Chapter 8 : Gollum

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Fifteen years had passed since Legolas return. Fifteen years more since the battle. So almost forty years had passed since the battle, now.

Legolas and Tauriel had found again their friendship of once, their friendship of before all those sad events, that had separated them. But they were nothing more than friends. They could not be more. Thranduil would never let them be more. Because, as he told Tauriel : there is no hope.

It was as friends that Legolas and Tauriel had lived, these last years, together in the dark forest of Mirkwood.

Tauriel was now walking in that said forest, with some guards. During their morning patrol, they had killed a group of orcs of Dol Guldur, at the forest enter. Now, at the same time that the sun was rising, they were on their way to come back to the palace.

They were near the bridge, which was above the river, when the red-hair elf saw a horse in front of the gates. Near the horse, was standing a man, and a little further, Legolas. When she became closer, she noticed that the man was wearing grey clothes and he had a pointy hat on his head. He was holding a staff in his right hand. Finally, after so many years, Gandalf had returned.

Surprised, she saw the wizard took his leave from the prince, and he jumped on his horse, which was patiently waiting for him, with some difficulties. So the wizard had already done what he wanted. He made his horse turned, and quickly, they were galloping on the path. The wizard greeted her with a chin sign, before looking at his way, preoccupied.

While the guards entered the palace, she came closer from Legolas, who was quietly standing at the gates, his arms crossed on his chest, his eyes on the Maïa who was riding away.

''What was he doing there ? I did not see him in when we left''she asked him.

''He arrived just after your departure. My father had a little discussion with him, about a prisoner. Gandalf wants we keep him in our dungeons. Thranduil hesitated before he accepted and Gandalf said he will come back soon with his prisoner. ''

'' Who is this prisoner ? ''

''I have no idea. My father did not say anything about him. Nor Gandalf, in fact '' he added.

He looked away from the path, where the wizard had disappeared.

'' We will see when he will bring him here '', he told her before entering the palace.

Tauriel quickly looked at the path, before entering the palace after him. The wizard was free of traveling, wherever he wanted. A right she envied more and more.


Tschit !

The arrow flew in the air to peirce the target's heart. The red-hair elf took another one in her quiver, and got ready to shoot. She was about to, when an arrow split her first one, on the center. The arrow had come from behind her, and they was no doubt about who shot it.

'' You did not loose your precision, after all these years'' she said.

She heard heavy steps and guessed he was coming closer.

''Maybe I have even improved '' he answered.

She raised an eyebrow, always her back to him, surprised that he could again improve after all that time. Tauriel was about to answer him when she heard the noise of a weapon that is taken out . She had the reflex to take out her daggers and she quickly turned. With her daggers, she easily blocked Legolas sword.

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