Chapter 20 : Exodus From Edoras

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The funerals of the kings son took place the same day. Every inhabitants had come to give an ultime farewell to their prince, and waited for their passage on the two sides of the path. The body of the prince was carrying by soldiers and he was wearing his beautiful armor, that would go with him in the other world. His face was young, far too young for death. Tauriel, even if she was en elf and did not have the same capacity than humans to say the age, thought he had twenty winters, not more.

She was following the procession with Gimli, Aragorn, Legolas and Gandalf after the king, who walked gravely. From both sides of the path, they heard cries, that remembered to all the pain of the lost. They all kept walking behind the king, and they quickly got out of the city, to arrive at the place where the kings of old were buried. Eowyn was standing in front of the open tomb, holding bravely her tears. She had a fine gold headband over her forehead, and she was wearing a black dress.

The soldiers carrying Theodreds body arrived in front of the tomb, and made him enter it carefully. The king was looking at his son for the last time, in an imperturbable way that only the kings can have in these painful moments. At the same time, Eowyn began to sing, in a language that Tauriel did not know. However, she felt that the young woman was singing to show her pain and to give a last honor to her cousin.

The body of Theodred disappeared inside the tomb, and soldiers closed it. Slowly, the crowd began to disperse, and soon, the four friends turned back too, leaving Gandalf with the king, alone in front of his sons tomb.

They were walking toward the city when the two elves and Aragorn heard the steps of a horse. Gimli, who did not have the same ear, did not hear them. They turned their heads, and saw two children on a horse, alone in the vast plain. The boy glared at them one last time, before falling slowly into the grass.

Tauriel shared a stare with the others, and the two elves- the faster- began to run toward the children. The little girl was holding with difficulty to the saddle on the big horse, and let herself falling into the red-hair elfs arms, before putting hers around her neck. Legolas took care of the boy and checked he was not wounded. They took the direction of Edoras, the horse walking obediently behind them.

Gandalf, who had looked the scene from far, got closer, and followed them. They got up the stairs to the great hall, where Aragorn opened the gates. Eowyn arrived few time later, with some food for the children, who were exhausted. The king came too, his eyes completely dry, and sat on his throne. Gimli profited of this moment to eat, and to drink a big beer. He sat on a bench and began his meal, and Aragorn sat in front of him to smoke his pipe. The two elves remained standing, and Tauriel leant against a column that held the roof.

They had no warning,Eowyn began to say. They were unarmed. Now the wild men are moving through the Westfold, burning as they go : Rick, cot and tree.

Anxious, Tauriel shared a look with Legolas and Aragorn. They were all thinking the same thing : war was upon Rohan.

Where is mama ?asked suddenly the little girl.

The young woman walked to her and put a large blanket on her shoulders, trying to reassure her.

This is but a taste of the terror that Sarouman will unleash. All the more potent for he is driven now by fear of Sauron. Ride out and meet him head on. You must fight, Gandalf told the king.

You have 2000 good men riding north as we speaking. Eomer is loyal to you. His men will return abd fight for their king , Aragorn added, smoking his pipe.

They will be 300 leagues from here by now. Eomer cannot help us, the king said.

He came down from his throne, and began to walk in front of them, anxious. Gandalf leave too his armchair and approached him. He had something in mind, it was obvious, but the king immediately stopped him.

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