Chapitre 14 : The Demon Of Darkness

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The drums sounds became closer. They heard different noises. Screams, not human ones, were coming from the deep like the drums.

They were all looking around them, panicked. Sam noticed that Frodo's sword had became blue. They heard screams again, closer, and louder. Tauriel had heard them so often.

'' Orcs'' Legolas said.

Boromir rushed to the gate. He swiftly looked out, and dark arrows came just in front of him. He soon closed the big doors of the room.

'' Get back ! Stay close to Gandalf ! '' Aragorn yelled to the hobbits,, running to the gates to help Boromir.

The four hobbits were close together, terrified, without knowing where to go. They finally stood behind the wizard, like Aragorn had told them.

'' They have a cave-troll '' Boromir said, with a sarcastic voice, after he had closed the gates with Aragorn.

Legolas came closer to throw them axes that were in the ground near them, to barricade the great doors. Then they stepped back, Boromir with his sword on his hand, Aragorn with his bow. The two men made a defense line with the two elves, standing side to side with their bow.

The red-hair elf heard their ennemis coming closer, and they soon began to push the gates. The walls were shaking.

'' Let them come ! There is one dwarf in Moria who still draws breath ! Yelled Gimli, on Balin's tomb, his axe on his hand.

The were hearing orcs hitting the gates, still holding for the moment. However, they soon made fine cracks in the wood, and Tauriel let her arrow fly into the air to pierced her ennemi's throat. They heard a screech in the another side. Soon, another arrow, from Legolas, flew through the room to kill an orc. Then, they both shot arrow after arrow, and Aragorn joined them, until the moment the doors broke down. Hundreds of orcs came in.

The red-hair elf shot the orc that was coming in front of her. Others came. Swords noses, agonizing screams, and the hobbits war cries has been heard in the room. They threw themselves into the battle, courageously.

Tauriel killed again many orcs with her bow, before she took her daggers. She was more comfortable with them when her ennemis were close.

But suddenly, they heard a scream, louder that than the other. They all turned their heard to the room's enter and they saw the cave-troll. The beast, with a grey skin, chins around his neck, advanced dangerously while screaming. Legolas shot him, but he kept walking. Sam courageously jumped on him, but the troll made him step back to the wall behind him. Aragorn and Boromir took the beast's chins to made him move away. Unfortunately, Boromir has been projected against the wall, and he would be dead if Argorn did not throw his sword to the orc behind him.

Gimli faced the troll too, and threw him his axe, but he kept attacking him. He jumped from his cousin's tomb to avoid the beast. The troll was coming closer. Tauriel, a few meters higher, shot the troll with two arrows in his chest, making him stepping back, screaming. She turned on herself to avoid an orc, and planted her dagger in his back. Then, she used her bow to make coming closer the next one, and cut his throat.

She saw Legolas climbing on the monster and he shot him with two arrows in his head. Then he got down as graciously as always.

Not so far from her, she noticed that Sam was fighting with a pan, which made her smile. The hobbit was watching the pan, proud of himself.

At the opposite of the room, Aragon was attacking the troll with a spear, to protect Frodo, who had stepped back against the wall. She did not see what happened then because a new enemy made her turned back, but she heard someone screaming in pain, which could not be good.

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