Chapter 22 : A Welcome Help

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''A great host, you say ? ''

''All Isengard has emptied'', Aragorn declared.

After his return, he had hurried up to join the king, in the great hall of the deep. And now, he was telling them what he had seen on his way, and that was absolutely not reassuring. War was upon them.

''How many ? '' asked immediately the king.

''Ten thousand strong, at least. ''

As she heard his answer's, Tauriel eyes became wide opened : they were not as many as their ennemies. The king turned to Aragorn, he was surprised but also destabilized.

''Ten thousand ? ''

''It is an army bread for a single purpose : to destroy the world of men. They will be here by nightfall '', he added.

Theoden looked around him, hesitating. Then, he turned back and walked to the gates with sure steps.

''Let them come ! ''

He got out of the hall, and after a swift shared look, the four others followed him. The king got down the stairs that lead to the central courtyard, and put his hand on the shoulder of one of his adviser men, who was walking to his side. All around them, women, children, and old people were packing their stuff and organizating food stock.

''I want every man and lad to bear arms to be ready by nightfall '', he said.

The soldier walked away, nodding, and took the direction of the caves, where most of the population were already. The king resumed his walk, the two elves, Aragorn and Gimli following him. They reached the great gate, where Theoden showed them the top.

''We will cover the causeway and the gate from above. No army has ever breached the deeping wall or set foot inside the Hornburg .''

''This is no rabble of mindless orcs, '' spoke Gimli. '' They are uruk-hai : their armour is stick and their shields ...''

''I have fought many wars, master dwarf, I know how to defend my own keep,'' the king answered back.

Then, Theoden left the four companions, and entered the deep. Gimli threw them an outraged look, that they all avoided before following the king. He mumbled alone a second, but he finally joined them, who were listening to the king.

''Within these walls, we will outlast them '', he concluded with pride.

''They do not come to destroy Rohan's crops or villages, they come to destroy its people, down to the last child ! Aragorn said.

The king immediately turned to him, and grabbed his tunic. Or, at least, what was left. Tauriel had already seen that the ranger had an injury at his shoulder. She should heal him later.

''What do you have me do ? '' asked the king, his voice as lightas a whisper, but enough for the red hair's ears. '' Look at my men. Their courage hangs by a thread. If it is to be our end, then I would have them make such an end as to be worthy of remembrance.''

''Send out riders, my lord. You must call for help '', explained the ranger with conviction.

The king, who had walked away, came back to them, a sad smile on his face.

''And who will come ? Elves ? Dwarves ? We are not so lucky in our friends as you. The old alliances are dead. ''

''Gondor will answer '', answered back Aragorn, certain.

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