Chapter 15 : The Woods Of Lothlorien

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They finally reached the light, on a hill made of rocks at the Mines exit. The hobbits fell to the ground, crying loudly. Merry was trying to console his cousin, his eyes as red as his. A little bit further, Sam was holding his head in his hands, tears running down his cheeks. Behind him, Boromir was holding Gimli, who struggled to go back into the Mines. The dwarf was probably thinking that everything had happened because of him. Frodo was standing further than the others, his back to them, quietly. Even Legolas seemed to be touched. He was looking everywhere around him, without fixing anything in particular. Aragorn was the only one to stay himself. He was cleaning his enemies blood on his sword, the look sad and dark, but he did not cry. Tauriel walked further than the fellowship, and stood on a rock, just in front of the woods of Lorien, while her sight and her hearing disappeared.

Gandalf was gone. He had fell into the shadow to face the Balrog, and so, to save the quest of the ring. He had shown his courage to all by giving his life. He had given his life to save theirs. And that, even the sunlights on her skin could not make her forget. She heard the hobbits cries behind her, holding hers in silence, her eyes closed.

''Legolas, Tauriel, get them up'' suddenly said Aragorn.

They had to go ahead, to honor the wizard. Aragorn was right, their was still hope, they had to go on.

Opening her eyes and turning her back to the woods of Lorien, she walked to Sam, closer than the other, who was still crying, his head in his hands.

''Give them a moment, for pity's stake ! '' Boromir said.

''By nightfall, these hills will be swarming with orcs ! We must reach the woods of Lothlorien. Come Boromir, Legolas, Gimli, Tauriel, get them up ! ''

The elf next to Sam, put her hand on his shoulder. She smiled with sadness to encourage him.

''Come on Sam, get up, '' she told him sweetly. '' Gandalf would never have wanted you to give up.''

The hobbit answered to her by a sniff, showing his pain. She helped him to get up, smiling.

'' Keep hope. Whatever happens, there is some good in this world. And it is worth fighting for, '' she added.

His last tears got down his cheeks , and he sighed loudly before getting up.

The fellowship began its walk to the woods of Lorien, following Aragorn, who led them, running. There were no more the two cousins laughs, and no more jokes in bad taste of the dwarf. The silence reigned in the plains, disturbed only by the noise of their steps.

They crossed a stream after the ranger, and finally reached the woods. Without loosing time, they entered the forest, still following Aragorn. The sun reflecting on the trees was giving a magic side to the place, like the orange leaves falling to the ground while swirling.

'' Stay close, young hobbits. They say that a great sorceress lives in these woods. An efl witch... of terrible powers... All who look upon her fall under her spell and are never seen again

Tauriel was listening to the dwarf behind her, smiling. The lady of Lorien, a witch ? No, really, he was just scaring the hobbits.

''Well, here's one dwarf she won't ensnare so easier !

At the same time, she began to hear something else that the dwarf's voice. Steps noises. Very lights, but she heard them with her elvish earing. She took a bow with an arrow, and she noticed that Legolas had exactly done the same in front of her.

'' I have the eyes of a hawk and ears of a fox ! '' Gimli said proudly.

He turned back and found a blond elf in front of him, his bow pointing his face.

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