Chapter 12 : The Pass Of Caradhras

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The ascent began. The incline was steeper at each step. The snow swiftly covered the path, and soon, the hobbits walked with difficulty.

Tauriel, behind Merry and Pippin, was catching them every time they were sliding in the snow. Gandalf was still leading the fellowship. In their back, Legolas was helping Sam to make the poney walking. Aragorn, like always, was the last one.

All of a sudden, after she had put Pippin on his feet for the tenth time, she heard someone falling behind her. She turned to see Frodo fall in the snow, before the ranger catch him, few meters further. The hobbit, as soon as he stood up, put his hand on his neck, panicked. She saw that he had not the ring anymore. Few meters higher, Boromir was picking something on the ground. The ring.

He put the ring chain at the height of his eyes, and looked at it, avidly. All the fellowship stopped walking, and they were all watching the scene that took place under their eyes.

''Boromir''called Aragorn one first time.

But he was not listening him anymore.

''It is a strange fate that we would suffer such fear and doubt over a so small thing ''he said.

He was still looking at the ring, and it seemed like that he haq forgotten everything around him. His finger approached the ring.

'' Boromir'' called one more time the ranger, louder.

Boromir seemed to wake up after a long night, and looked up at Aragorn.

''Give the ring to Frodo'' ordered the ranger, worry.

He came closer to Aragorn and the hobbit, dangerously, before giving him the ring. The hobbit immediately took him.

'' As you wish. I care not''he said, a false smile on his face.

There was a silence before he approached Frodo to ruffle his hair, like a child. Then he turned back, always smiling, and resumed his march to the top, like nothing had had happened.

So, the ring had begun to attack the fellowship. Boromir felt already the needed to take it. Maybe he was not the only one. Anyway, he was a danger for his companions, and in particular for the young hobbit. Aragorn had understood it, because he had put his hand on his sword, ready to protect Frodo.

They had promised to protect the ring-bearer, but the ring itself wanted them to attack him.


They continued their ascent and they were now standing very high from the ground. Gandalf was leading the ten companions, pushing the snow with his staff. They were all shaking of cold. Expect the elves, of course. Tauriel and Legolas were walking in the snow, without sinking, because of their elvish capacities. A strong wind had risen, and a tempest was coming.

She was following Legolas, when she began to heard a voice. When she turned to him,she saw that he was hearing it too.

'' There is a fell voice in the air''he said, squinting to avoid the snow.

'' It is Saroumane ! '' Gandalf yelled behind them.

A cracking sound had been heard above their heads and she raised her face to see parts of the mountains fall. They swiftly pressed themselves against the wall to avoid them.

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