Chapter 29 : Pelennor Fields

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Under the lights of the sun that was slowly going down at the horizon, he seemed to be coming right from her dreams. His blond hair was softly shining, and his eyes were not quitting a second hers, undeniably attracting her, without her being able to resist. A single scratch was running down his right cheek, however, it did not take away his natural beauty. Cries of pain and wrench were echoing all around, but nothing could stop them from meeting again.

She made a step toward him, as he was making one, then another one, and so until they finally stood face to face, close, very close. And, at that precis moment, everything was forgotten. Absences, battles, pains, doubts, regrets, and even the time and the years that had passed, without them being able to stop anything. Everything vanished in a single instant as the two elves were facing each other, in these deadly Pelennor fields.

Slowly, the elf's hand rose, and brushed her cheek, as if to wipe an invisible dust. Then, that hand went on the back of her neck, getting her face closer to his, so close she could feel his warm breath against her lips. Another hand touched her waist, pressing her pelvis to his as she was putting her hands on his shoulders. Her heart beat faster.

And finally, with an infinite softness, after decades of wait, his lips touchers hers. They assembled perfectly, like they had been made to be together.

His mouth was warm against hers, and so soft. For nothing in the world she would have left it. She had waited for so many years, she had pushed him away so many times, she had run away so many times, that she could not resist to it. She was there, with him, his lips pressed against hers, and she had never felt so good in her whole life.

His hands tightened her a little bit more, getting her closer as possible, and she put her arms around his neck, answering ardently to show that his feelings were far more than shared. Her eyes closed, she was making anything to make the moment last, and forget the rest. When they finally separated themselves from each other, a few instants later, she opened her eyes, sure she was loving him more than anyone else in the world.

His forehead touched hers as she was catching her breath again, and she brushed his cheek with her fingers, looking with fascination his facial features. He let her do so, enchanted. Then, he took her chin with two fingers, and lifted up her face to his, as theirs gazes were going back into each other.

''Melin le...''*

His voice was as light as the wind, but yet it was telling all the emotion he had inside of him. She blinked, her breath taken away by so much love. However, she knew it was nothing but the truth about their feelings, hidden since too many years. Rising on her tiptoes, she approached her mouth to his, a big smile on her lips.

''Melin le, Legolas...''

And she kissed him, as she was feeling her body to be lifted in the airs, the arm around her waist tightening its taking. The blonds elf's lips stretched against hers, and she let go, in this whirlwind of love and tenderness, her eyes closed to appreciate it better, allowing him to deep the kiss. Everything around them was void, however, they could not separate from each other. It seemed they were not remembering where they were.

Breathless, their lips broke up, and they found again themselves in these chaotic Pelennor fields. He put her down to her feet, and she leaned her head against his shoulder as he was kissing her temple and her hair, appreciating to feel her heart beat at the same rhythm than his. She closed again her eyes, her face buried in his neck and his soft blond hair.

Protected by his arms, she forced herself to look around, where chaos was the only master left. Cries were still breaking the silence from everywhere, cooling instantly her blood. But, when she pushed her gaze a little further, she saw what she did not want to see.

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