Chapter 21 : The Wolves Of Isengard

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The day after, at dawn, they all resumed their walk to Helms deep. The sky was grey, like it had no hope. But men kept walking. Tauriel, Legolas and Gimli had stepped back to be behind the king, adn had let Aragorn and Eowyn side to side. They were all walking, to not tire their horses.

Soon, the blond elf had been called at the head of the column, to keep an eye on the surroundings. Tauriel stayed with Gimli, who was happy to tell her some childhood memories.

However, this little talk came quickly to an end. A yell has been hear dbehind the hill in front of them, and Legolas disappeared from her vision. Despite the distance, she heard what was going on, and the elfs voice, that announced a scout. So she was useless for her to wait for Aragorns return, to know that they were attacked by orcs and wargs. She immediately came closer to her horse, and took the reins in her hands.

''We're under attack !'' yelled Aragorn running to them.

Instantly, it caused panick in the ranks. Woman and children cuddled up to each other, and yelled of terror. They were all watching the hill, afraid of what could appear at its top.

'' All riders at the head of the column !'' ordered the king.

She turned her head to Gimli, who had troubles to hold Arod to get on his back. With an amused sigh, she approached him and held the reins of the horse while a soldier was helping the dwarf to got on.

''It's me, it's me, I am a rider ! ''he screamed, getting on his horse with difficulty.

But he was about to fall on the other side, and Tauriel struggled to help him to stay on Arods back. Finally, after a few seconds, the dwarf was ready. Relief, she got on Fengel, pwaing the ground.

''You must lead the people at Helms deep and make haste,'' the king told Eowyn.

''I can fight, ''she answered back.

''No ! You must do this, for me,'' Theoden said.

While her niece was turning back, disappointed, he galloped away and took the head of the column. Eowyn encouraged the people to stay closed, and led them. Tauriel followed the king before Gimli, who had, after all, succeeded to make his horse move on.

The riders climbed the hill, and they finally saw what Tauriel had already heard : a group of orcs, on their wargs, ruuning to them, yelling. The king, leading the others on his white horse, took his sword and pointed them to his enemies, as all his soldiers. The red-hair elf tied up the reins on Fengelss neck, and took her bow and an arrow. In front of them, orcs were moving fatser and faster. When she was close enough, Tauriel shot the warg in front of her,as its rider, a few seconds later. But the other orcs kept advancing. The shock has been harsh.

Men threw spears, some beheaded their enemy with their sword, while some fell to the ground. Tauriel took an arrow on her quiver, and killed her new enemy. Behind her, she heard Gimli mumble and a great noise, meaning that the dwarf had fallen. Throwing a swift look behind her shoulder, she saw him, standing on his two legs, his axe on his hands. There was a warg in front of him, with some foam dripping from his mouth. Without hesitating, Tauriel turned back, and, as fast as Fengel could, she rushed to the warg. She killed him with an arrow through its throat, and the monster fell the the dwarfs feet, unhappy.

''This one counts for me !''

Tauriel kept advancing, without taking care to the dwarfs grumblings. There were too much orcs to talk. But, yet, a little smile reached her lips while she began to fight.

She killed as many orcs and wargs with her bow, in priority the ones who approached the soldiers from behind. Their enemies were fewer and fewer, but some riders of Rohan dhad fallen too.

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