Chapter 11 : The Fellowship Of The Ring

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They were about to leave. The sun was already high in the sky, and the fellowship was ready. Ready for the quest that will save Middle-earth. Tauriel was proud to take part to this journey, but she was a little scared too. Everyone around her was feeling the same thing. Except Bill the poney, carrying food bags on his back, most of them for the Hobbits, of course. Maybe because he did not know where they were going. Ithil, Tauriel's horse, will not go with them. She will stay in Rivendell, where Arwen will take care of her. For the moment, they were all standing in the courtyard of Rivendell, dressed with their journey clothes, waiting for the departure. The red-hair elf was waring a dark green and brown hunting tunic, to not be seen too much in the forest, plains and mountains they will cross, on the road to Mordor.

Most of the elves living in Rivendell were in the courtyard to wish them good luck. Elrond was there too, with his children, in front of the fellowship.

''The ring-bearer is setting out on the quest of Mount Doom. You who travel with him, no oath, nor bond is laid to go further than you will ''Announced Elrond.

He made a break, and looked at them, moved.

''Farewell. Hold to your purpose. May the blessings of elves, and men, and all free folk go with you''he added.

Tauriel looked at Arwen, and she remembered their conservation on the morning. She had wished her good luck, hugging her, and told her to do not lose hope, looking at Legolas that was getting down the stair near them. Tauriel told her do not lose hope neither, for Aragorn, and the dark brown hair elf had sadly smiled.

The lord of Rivendell greeted them, his hand on his heart, and Legolas, Aragorn, Gandalf and Tauriel did the same gesture.

'' The fellowship awaits the ring-bearer'' said Gandalf a few seconds later.

The young hobbit turned, with a look that Tauriel did not understand its signification. He passed near them, before taking the way out of the courtyard. Under the stone archway at the enter of the city, he stopped walking, hesitating.

'' Mordor Gandalf, is it left or right ? ''He asked, whispering.

Tauriel immediately smiled when she heard the question of the young hobbit. He was so brave, but there was a lot of things that he did not know yet.

''Left'' answered the wizard.

While the began to walk, the red-hair elf turned her face to the city, and nodded one last time in Arwen's direction. Then, she turned back and passed under the stone archway, after the hobbits. Legolas swiftly followed, but she noticed that IsilduIsildur's was still in the courtyard. Perhaps he wanted to look one last time the beautiful face of Arwen. After he did it, he took the way out tooand followed the fellowship on the leafy path of the forest. Then, their journey began.


They soon crossed the bridge that lead to Rivendell, and made their way through Imladris valley. Few hours later, Gandalf leading the fellowship, they arrived at the last turn of this valley. Tauriel turned one last time to admire the beauty of the city, under the sunlight, before following the dwarf with a red beard who was walking in front of her, hitting the ground with his axes, at each of his step.

They were getting further and further from Rivendell, in the south direction. Gandalf was still leading the ten companions through the plains and the valley they were crossing. He was followed by the four hobbits and the little poney, then Gimli, and Tauriel. Behind her were walking Legolas and Boromir, Aragorn far behind.

They passed in many places that Tauriel had already visit, and she had been joyful to see them again.

The first day quickly passed. The hobbits, always happy, in particular Pippin and Merry, were most of the time talking with the dwarf. He told them many of his adventures, but also many jokes in a bad taste. However, the hobbits seemed to appreciate the dwarf and they were laughing at every words he said. Tauriel tensed when she heard him talk about the battle of the fives armies. He told the hobbit how his father had fought this day, heroically, of course. Then, he talked about Thorin's death, and his two sister's sons. It remembered to Tauriel that she had failed, this day, on this mountain, seventy years ago, to save the dwarf. Fortunately, the dwarf swiftly began to talk about beers with Pippin and Merry, who seemed to know a lot of things about that.

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