Chapter 2 : Laketown

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'' Such is the nature of evil. Out there, in the vast ignorance of the world, it festers and spreads... A shadow that grows in the dark...''

Tauriel was quietly listening the monologue of her king to the creature that they had captured after the chase . When they came back to the palace of the elves, the king had immediately ask for interrogate the new prisoner.

'' So it ever was, so will it always be.''

'' You were tracking a company of 13 dwarves, why ?'' Legolas asked. He held the beast against his chest, his dagger on his throat, ready to cut it.

'No thirteen, nor knew more'', answered the disgusting beast. '' The young one, the black hair archer, we stucked him with a morgul shaft, poison is in his blood !He will shocking on his own !''

Tauriel immediately tended. She wished it was a lye, even if she had seen a black arrow, a morgul one, in his leg. But she chose indifference to talk to the orc. She could not show that she was moved by what he said, it will makes hil too happy.

'' Answer the question, filth.''

'' I do not answer to dogs, she-elf ! '' the monster screamed, trying to get closer.

Then she took her dagger, and twirled it in the air. She cast him a murderous glance, meaning his approaching death if he insult her again.

'' I would not antagonize her'', Legolas told him. He held tighter the best, always with his dagger on his throat.

'' You like killing things, orc ?'' asked Tauriel.

She raised her eyebrows and look so innocent .

'' You like death ? '' she squinted, focused on him. '' Then let me give it to you!'' she screamed, throwing herself at him, her dagger in her right hand.

But before she had the time to cut his disgusting throat, the king, who did not talk since a little while, interrupted her.

'' Enough ! Tauriel, leave !''Then, he added, frowning :'' Go now ! ''

Tauriel looked at him and stood up, trying to keep her dignity. Then, she looked at the orc who was growling . She turned back, shot a glance to Legolas because she had feel that he was looking at her and she left the room, the head high.

'' I do not care about one dead dwarf...''

She immediately walked quicker , because she did not want to hear the end of the king's sentence. She went to her room, where she took her bow and her quiver and put her dagger to her hips. Next, Tauriel got out of her room and took the direction of the gates. The red-hair elf crossed them under the astonished gaze of Fingolfin, the lieutenant of the south part of the forest and some guards who was keeping the big gates. The king had given no order, so the captain should not be there. Tauriel crossed the gates and stopped walking for a while. She closed her eyes, and breathed deeply, thinking to Kili and the poison in his blood. She could save him, she was sure. She remembered the words of Lord Elrond, centuries ago and she sweared that the orcs could not leave alive her kingdom. She knew also that, if she leave, Legolas will leave too. After all, if Thranduil was right about his feelings, he will follow her to the ends of the earth . She did not why, but this thought reassured her. Tauriel opened her eyes to look at the path, defiantly, and entered the dark forest of Mirkwood.


It had been a while since she had left the path of her ancestors and the forest . She was walking without trees above her head, except the blue sky and the golden sun.

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