Chapter 1 : Dwarves

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Tauriel was running in the forest, as fast as she could, following the noise of Legolas patrol. She saw them, not so far from her, in the upper branches of the trees. She heard Legolas tell to the guards to kill the spiders but not the foreigners, for the moment. Tauriel saw her prince came down of his branch to fall on a big spider, before killing another one with a well placed arrow. Every guards were behind him, ready to follow their prince. The red-hair elf was running to them when she heard a scream,a desperate scream. She took the noise direction, trotting , her bow in her hand.

Tauriel arrived in a little quarry, where a man, a really short man, seemed to be caught by a monstrous spider. She jumped on a spider before her while she shot a second one. Then, she got off of the first spider, and planted her daggers on the two beasts, one after the other. She took her bow to shoot a spider that was menacing the dwarf , because it is what he was. She turned around to kill another monster. She almost killed the beast when the dwarf asked her a weapon. How dare he ask her a weapon ? And '' quickly '' !

'' If you think that I am gonna give you a weapon, dwarf, you are mistaken ! ''

While she was talking, she turned around because she finally killed the spider, and threw a dagger to a new monster that menaced the dwarf. She stood up and smiled, proud of herself. They looked at each other for a tenth of a second, he was surprised to see so closely the beauty of the elves and she was surprised to see a dwarf after so many years. She got out of her mind and pushed the dwarf to Legolas patrol, who had already captured the others. Elves searched them so that they could not keep weapons that could help them to escape.

She approached Legolas, who had just returned his medaillon to a red-hair dwarf, after comparing his son to a goblin mutant.

'' Are the spiders dead ?'' he asked.

'' Yes,but more will come''. Legolas frowned, surprised by Tauriel's statement, and cast his eyes into her own, in search of an answer.

''They are growing bolder'', she added.

They were interrupted by a guard who gave to the prince a sword.

''It is an ancient elvish blade' ', he said.

He looked at the sword, fascinated by its beauty.

''Forged by my kinds !''

He took the blade with one hand to carry it higher. Then he pointed the sword to the dwarf leader of the little company and asked :

'' Where did you get this ? ''

'' It was given to me.''

'' Not just a thief , but a liar as well. ''

Legolas ordered his soldiers to bring back the dwarves to the palace. As the elves walked faster than their prisonniers, they had to slow down so that the dwarves could follow them. They crossed the bridge who lead to the palace, their prisonniers amazed by the beauty of the place, the sun reflecting on the water flowing under their feet. Tauriel, who had remained in front of the patrol from the beginning, positioned herself to the right of the door. Her prince did the same thing on the left. Then, she went to the entrance and Legolas who was following her, ordered to the guards to close the gate. But he stopped walking and turned back, as if he have heard a strange noise,before enter on his father's palace. He did not know that another foreigner had entered after him.

The elves pushed the dwarves to the dungeon. Tauriel, pushed the dwarf without beard into a cell, but she did not have time to close the door because he started to talk.

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