Chapter 9: Track, Extract, Research and Annihilate

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Michael glances at the were that was just extracted from the abandoned building, it was quietly going along with the agents that trapped it. It raised a red flag with him, why would any were willingly go along with being captured? It didn't make any sense to him.

He quietly watches as they load him into a white van that resembled a dog catcher van except the cages were bigger and reinforced with tungsten. They forced the obedient almost 7-foot wolf into the back of the van. The guns at their side had wolfsbane ready to be used at their command. Although, there was no need since it crawled into the small space and laid down on the cold metal floor beneath it with ease. It was astonishing how calm it was. No wolf they have ever caught had willingly gone into the cage. They fought tooth and nail not to go into it and normally they dragged an unconscious body into the cage whether dead or alive but never willingly.

"Mr. Hilton, are you alright?" Michael snaps out of his thoughts when he notices the director standing right beside him. It was a shock, the director never showed his face on regular field missions. What made this one so special?

He stands up straight when addressing the Director and avoids his gaze out of respect, "Of course sir. Why would anything be wrong?"

Director Cross glances at Michael out of the corner of his eye, noticing the man grow stiff with his presence, "Relax Hilton. I just came to ask you a question."

He relaxes a bit at realizing that he wasn't quite in trouble, "And that is sir?"

"I wanted to know if you knew the whereabouts of my daughter. You are her best friend after all. I haven't heard from her since our discussion a little while ago. She's stubborn and she can easily keep off my radar if she wanted to but I'd like to know if she's okay at least. A father worries, especially with how spirited she is." Director Cross adjusts his tie as Michael fidgets in place as soon as he mentions Zoey.

He hadn't heard from Zoey since she disappeared from the club, he came back from the bathroom only to find her nowhere in sight. He had texted her and asked her where she was only for her to respond that she was fine and that she left with a friend. It was a bit suspicious since she didn't have any other friends except for him but it wasn't strange for her to leave with some guy for the night either so he disregarded it and went home. Despite that he was starting to worry now too, she could take care of herself but even she could end up being a target. Even so, he knew that she would raise hell if he told her father anything so he did the only thing a loyal friend would do in such a situation.

"She's fine sir. If that's what you're asking but she would prefer not to be bothered at the moment as she's going through a few things," lying to the director didn't sit well with him but he did it for Zoey. She better appreciate it if she was alright.

He sighs at the response, "Yes... well... I suppose she is... it is good to hear she's alright..." he pauses for a second letting the frown show on his face before he goes back to his cool professional demeanor, "Thank you, Hilton. Carry on."

He pivots on his feet and salutes the Director, "Yes sir!"

The director ignores him and watches the squad commander bark her orders as they close the door on the were in the van, "Once we get back to headquarters take him to the cells. We'll interrogate him further there."

"No. I'll send a team to fetch him when you arrive. They'll take it from there and interrogate him."

She nods her head and salutes the director without question, "Of course sir. You heard him. Pack it up."

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