Chapter 49: Dead isn't Dead

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Oliver yawns as he tries to process everything Zoey told him, "So the chip is ineffective after a few days?" Damon had knocked on his door before dawn, and he was still trying to wake himself up while trying to understand everything they were telling him. He still had his bed hair, and he was practically half naked since he was sleeping not 15 minutes ago.

"Yes." She felt terrible for waking Oliver up early in the morning, but Damon insisted. Oliver was close with Damon and helped him run the pack just like Cole had and just like a few others, but only Oliver was needed this time.

Zoey looked around Oliver's living room. It was reasonably standard except for the mountain of technology and computers that took up half the space. Most of it, she couldn't even comprehend what it was for.

Oliver scratches his head and starts up his computer, "Well, that would explain why the werewolf killed himself after a few days. They made him do it before they lost control of him so he wouldn't be able to tell us anything."

"Have you found anything when analyzing the chip? Do you have any idea what it is that they would need to make it more permanent?" Damon was all business at the moment and in complete alpha mode. It brought a small smile to Zoey's face.

Oliver shakes his head, "I've analyzed the hardware of the chip the best I could, but there's not much else I can do with it without looking at the programming and the schematics. I need all the files T.E.R.A. has to understand the whole thing fully. I know how to build it but not how to make it work as it should."

Zoey looks at Damon, "Wing tech handles all of T.E.R.A.'s internal security procedures. Why can't we hack into their systems and take what we need?"

Damon shakes his head, "Absolutely not. They would know it's an inside job. Wing tech software is highly impenetrable. If someone knew how to hack it, that means they knew exactly where the weak points were, which only the person who designed it would know, and I don't need your father finding out we run Wing Tech. Not only would it jeopardize the jobs of hundreds of thousands of employees, but it would jeopardize this pack's income, and I will not put the future of this pack's financial stability at risk. T.E.R.A. is a big contractor for Wing Tech."

"And chances are they have this highly locked down since not even you knew about it," he glances at Zoey, "It would be on a need-to-know basis, which means we have to go into T.E.R.A. to get what we need since and they'd keep everything on a private and secure network," Oliver pulls up blueprints of the T.E.R.A. building in Darton, "And I assume that they're using the bottom floor of the building to do their little experiments."

He points to the screen, and Zoey looks closer, eyes wide, "I didn't even know there was a floor below the underground parking. How come I never knew that?" She felt a bit stupid not knowing something about the building she had worked in for five years.

Oliver shrugs his shoulders, "Don't feel too bad. I'm sure it's only accessible to people with a specific clearance, like your father. It only has two ways in and out. The private elevator from your father's office and a hidden access path from this floor here," he points to a room on the screen, "It would make sense since he has kept it under wraps for so long. The only reason we have these blueprints is because Wing Tech installed the security systems for it. I doubt anyone else has these."

Zoey shivered at the room Oliver pointed to. It was where they kept the werewolves they captured and interrogated. Every time she was on that floor, she could smell the blood and metal in the air. Terrible things happened there, she would know. She had done a lot of them herself too. It would make sense for an entrance there since they were experimenting on werewolves. It would be the easiest way to get to them without anyone noticing, "What if I go into T.E.R.A. and steal the information? I could go under the guise of seeing my father. I should still be an agent. No one would find that odd."

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