Chapter 16: Tangled

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Zoey runs down the hall and opens the door to the bathroom, barely making it to the toilet before she throws up the lunch she was just eating. She groans and flushes the toilet, sitting against the wall in the bathroom. She was currently regretting all her life decisions. Damon opens the door wider and leans against the bathroom frame, looking down at her, "That's what? The fifth time today?"

She leans her head against the wall and narrows her green eyes at him, "I don't know. Who's keeping track. All I know is that you probably did this to me and I want to strangle you right now."

She could see Damon resisting the urge to smirk which pissed her off even more, "I'm sorry but if it's any consolation Kali said she'd make you a steak a little later if you wanted since you started craving meat again."

Zoey had finally started having her cravings and her morning sickness weeks ago and she was low-key angry at the world for both of those symptoms existing. It not only caused her to want crazy things at odd hours of the night but then it caused her to throw it up soon after. She wasn't sure what Hell was like but she was sure this was it especially since she had about seven more months of this, "She better make more than one and probably more rare than cooked."

Damon offers out his hand to help her up which she graciously accepts, "The baby is definitely a were. Those meat cravings are probably going to get worse and you'll probably start eating about as much as we do soon too."

He pulls her up and she fixes her clothes, "That's just wonderful," she says sarcastically, "you're lucky I wasn't a vegetarian or we would be having a big problem."

Damon steps aside, chuckling as Zoey walks past him heading back to the kitchen where Kali and Max were when Ian comes through the front door, "Zoey. Your test results came in and Lily has been asking me to tell you to go see her again."

She stops as Ian meets her and hands her a white envelope. She just stares at it, anxiety now overcoming her for some unknown reason. Damon had taken her to get the DNA test a few days ago even though she didn't particularly want it and now she held the results in her hand, "Thanks... I'll open it later." She folds it and sticks it in her back pant pocket, trying to forget about it altogether but knew it was an impossible task, "And tell her that I'll make it a point to go over later." At least not all the news was bad it seemed.

Damon eyes the envelope but says nothing when Ian gets his attention, "Oliver says he needs to speak to you about the missing were cases. He says he'll be over in a bit."

Damon nods, "Alright. Thanks for coming over."

Oliver was essentially the pack's tech guy. He and Damon seemed to work pretty closely with one another. Zoey had met him on a few occasions when he came to talk to Damon.

Ian nods and leaves the house as Damon and Zoey go back to the kitchen. Max swivels in his chair to face Zoey with a concerned look on his face, "Are you okay now? Are you sick?"

Zoey smiles, ruffles his hair, and sits back down next to him, "Yeah. I'm alright. It's just the baby."

Max had gotten more comfortable with being there and had even started speaking a lot more. He was still wary of Damon and all the other male weres but even that was getting better bit by bit. He even started playing with the other kids in the pack.

"C-can I go play now?" He looks at Zoey expectantly so she eyes his empty lunch plate.

She nods, "I don't see why not. Just be careful."

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