Chapter 18: Late Night Cravings

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Zoey yawns and stretches, tossing her legs over the side of the bed. The moon was still high in the sky, and the only creatures awake were the predators of the night. Lately, no matter what she did, she couldn't sleep throughout the whole night without waking up several times in the middle of the night, either due to cravings or just complete restlessness. Tonight's unexpected interruption was due to a craving, a specific craving of something sweet and milky.

She sighs and stares at her flat stomach that soon won't be so flat. Each day she saw it and thought about it; it seemed more real that the whole thing was happening. She was pregnant, and she still wasn't sure whose it was. She still didn't dare to look at the envelope for fear of what it could change after.

"You're killing me. You know that?" She mumbles under her breath to the bump as if it could understand what she was saying.

She takes a deep breath before letting all the worries and stress of the situation melt away and decides to take care of the immediate problem, food. She puts the fuzzy slippers on that Lily insisted she have, swearing that they worked wonders on aching feet, to which she had to agree. Any day now, Lily will be giving birth to her baby, and she couldn't be happier for her newfound friend. Visiting the little cabin she and Ian resided in and laughing with her was about the only saving grace she had from the craziness of her reality. Finding out that her father was enslaving werewolves somehow had put her already hyperdrive emotions in even more disarray. She was beginning to wonder if she even knew the man who raised her at all. If all the lectures about doing the right thing and protecting the weak were just kind words, or if he meant them. It was... confusing.

Zoey tiptoes down the steps as quietly as she possibly could, especially with a house full of werewolves with exceptional hearing. She didn't want to wake any of them, not that it was that likely with how big the place was. It amazed her to this day.

She shuffled her way to the kitchen, knowing the way by instinct even in the darkness of the night. A tiny sliver of light showed from a crack of a door just down the hall on the right of her, Damon's office. It was late into the night, and he was still awake. The man never seemed to stop; it was admirable that he tried to provide for everyone, but his mother was right. He needed to think about himself too.

She'd have to scold him about later; for now, she'll make quick work of getting her snack and going back to bed so she didn't disturb him or anyone else for that matter.

Their earlier conversation of her helping them with the growing problem of her father failed. She suggested that she go back to T.E.R.A and personally find out what was going on, but Damon quickly shot it down. He refused to put her in harm's way because of the baby, or so he said, and opted for finding another way.

She crept her way to the fridge, opening the freezer door that illuminated the small space brightly around her. She grabs the tub of rocky road ice cream just as the lights in the kitchen flicker on.

She freezes in place, like a criminal caught in the middle of an atrocious crime. She turns around to see Damon's stunned expression before he chuckles, "I guess great minds think alike. I was coming into the kitchen for a snack too. Care to share that?" He eyes the tub of ice cream in her hands.

She smiles and instantly relaxes, "Yeah. I guess I can spare some." She grabs two spoons from the drawer as he sits down at the bar. She sits down next to him, opens the tub, and takes the first mouth full of chocolatey goodness.

An orgasmic moan escapes her lips which gets a snicker from Damon, "Careful. Make noises like that, and I may get ideas." He picks up the spoon and takes a big spoonful himself.

She kicks him in the side for his idiotic remark, "Very funny."

"I thought so." His smokey grey eyes look at her playfully as he brushes off the assault.

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