Chapter 44: Sexual Predator

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Zoey grits her teeth. She was pissed, more than pissed. Damon had sent Lily to fetch her that morning and take her back to the city entirely out of the blue. He hadn't even bothered to tell her himself. Lily came into her room earlier with his credit card and said they would be having fun and shopping in the city, and it was all on Damon. The idea would have thrilled her if he hadn't kicked her out of his office a couple of days ago and avoided her.

Lily waves a cup of soda in front of Zoey. She was trying to get Zoey out of her grumpy zoned out state, "Damon means well, Zoey. I swear there's not a bad reason why we're here and not at the pack. He thought you could use a little vacation after what happened..." she said referring to her miscarriage, "You said so yourself that you missed Darton so this is your chance to explore it again, and you don't have to spend a cent."

Zoey sighs and looks down at the metal table they were sitting at in the middle of the bustling mall. Lily had gotten her into a few stores, and they had bought a few things, but her heart wasn't in it. Zoey had said she missed Darton, and she did, but in the pit of her stomach, she didn't like how things had played out for her to be here, and it was hard to have fun when her mind was stuck on it. Zoey did need to get out and have fun, especially after losing the baby. She felt empty without another life with her at all times, but Damon was always highly against her going into the city up to this point, so why suddenly change his tune? Because she no longer had the baby, or was it because of something else, "I know. I know. I just... ugh... my head is a mess right now, Lily. I don't know how you do it." She looks away from Lily and starts people-watching the people around them.

Lily drinks her soda, "What do you mean?" She gives Zoey a confused smile.

Zoey settles her green eyes on Lily, "I mean... with..." she didn't know how to word it exactly, "with losing a baby. How do you do it? And how do you handle Ian's weird-ass hormones? One minute Damon and I are fine. He's cuddling up to me like I'm the best person in the world, and the next, he's kicking me out of his office like I'm the last person he wants to deal with. I don't understand any of it. When I think I'm beginning to understand him, he does some weird shit like this." She lies on the table, still moping about the whole thing. Why did she care so much anyway? When did she start caring so much?

Lily strokes her red hair, "It's hard to keep your head on straight after losing a baby. Trust me, I sometimes don't even want to get out of bed, but I do, and you know why?" She tilted her head, so she was a bit more level with Zoey.

Zoey pouts as she looks up at her, "Why?"

Lily smiles, "Because I know there's someone out there that's going to need my help, and I can't help them if I can't get up. I could be the difference between life or death for them and..." she brushes some hair from her face, "it helps that I have Ian by my side every step of the way. Even during his moody moments. It's easier for us to understand each other, though, because of our bond."

Zoey takes a deep breath in as she listens to Lily. Lily was a doctor, though. What exactly could she do that mattered. All Zoey did was annoy, piss off and worry Damon. It would probably be better if she weren't around.

Lily frowns when she sees what she said did not affect Zoey, "You'll find your reason to keep going soon too. Like Max. Max is doing so much better because you helped him accept himself. I think that's a perfect example, Zoey. We could have lost him if it wasn't for you."

Zoey gives her an indifferent stare, "I guess..." She was ecstatic to be able to help Max, but she didn't think she made that big of a difference. Damon did all the heavy lifting. She just stood there.

Lily sighs and licks her lips, "Damon's probably going to kill me for saying this but do you wanna know why he thought it would be better for you to be here at Darton than in Trint?"

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