Chapter 29: The Escape

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Gordon had been gone for a few days, and Zoey noticed that Beth would bring her something to eat for every meal. It was never a lot, a few bites of soup or something else that she had made for the others. She also noticed that Beth only made two meals a day except today. Today she had only made one, and she brought Zoey a few chicken pieces. Zoey wasn't sure, but it didn't seem like they ate much more than she was feeding her, and she wondered why. Could they not afford much more than that?

Beth hands her one of the pieces of chicken she brought her. With each chance she got, she tried to gain the girl's trust, "So, do you have a name for the baby?" Beth was getting a bit more comfortable talking to her, or at least that's what it looked like with how she carried herself. Her shoulders were more relaxed, and she sat crisscrossed in front of her as she fed her. She also answered her more thoroughly than just two words.

Zoey had cut herself free of her bindings, but she decided to stay put for a while longer. She wasn't sure where she was or how far from civilization she was. These were things Beth could tell her if Zoey could get her to. She was sure Damon was freaking out by now, but she couldn't worry about him just yet. She'd let him know she was okay the minute she could manage.

"No. I'm not allowed to name them." She looks down at the ground.

Zoey raises her brows, "Why not? You said you have four kids, right? So only he's allowed to name him?" There were a lot of kids in the house, but she hadn't seen much of them. She hadn't seen much of the teen girls either. She assumed they stayed away from her because of Gordon's warning. They avoided the room like the plague because of it. Beth was risking a lot just by being in the room with her.

She clenches her fist, a tear slipping down her face. Something she said upset her. It broke Zoey's heart. Just what was Gordon doing here?

"Hey. We don't have to talk about this. I'm sorry." She tried to coo and comfort the crying woman in front of her.

Eventually, she calmed down. She wiped the tears from her eyes with her sleeves and fed Zoey another piece of chicken, "Three of them are gone..." she looked down at her hands, "G-Gordon s-sells the girls. H-he has no use for them since they're genetically related to him. The boys can be s-soldiers b-because they're stronger s-so he keeps them. I-I hope it's a boy." She rubs her belly.

Zoey's face falls. That's the most despicable thing she had ever heard. How could someone sell their kids? Max crossed her mind, and her mood plummeted. She had seen what happens to werewolf kids who were bought and felt sick to her stomach. They must be so traumatized where ever they were.

Zoey clenches her fists together. She tried so hard to resist the urge to hug the poor girl. She couldn't reveal herself quite yet. She wasn't sure how Beth would react yet. She could still try to keep her hostage out of complete fear of what Gordon would do to her.

"You know it doesn't have to be like that. You don't have to live in fear for yourself or your kids. There are much better ways to live. What Gordon is doing here isn't right."

"I-I know. I know it isn't b-but when I had no one else, h-he was there a-and I-I can't disobey him. H-he'd kill me or worse..." Her amber eyes met Zoey's, and she could see the deep-rooted fear on her face. She feeds Zoey the last of the chicken.

Zoey was about to speak when the front door slammed open, "God damn it."

Cursing comes down the hall as Beth quickly gets to her feet. She could visibly see the girl tremble in front of her as the bellowing footsteps made their way into the living room. It didn't take much to figure out that it was Gordon. Beth didn't have enough time to leave the room before he entered, and Zoey worried about what he would do to the girl if he found out she was feeding or talking to her.

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