Chapter 47: After Glow

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Zoey stirred awake. Slightly moving her body had all her aches and pains making known their existence. She didn't know what time it was or how long she had been there, but at some point, the others had decided it was safe to let Damon out. When they thought he was conscious enough of his actions, he was not. The minute he was free, he grabbed Zoey and took her straight to his room, not caring about much else where he ravaged her until today, whenever today was.

It was official. Zoey wasn't sure she could keep up with his sexual appetite. She was going to die the next time he tried to touch her. Cole's rut was nothing like this. It was about ten times worse. She didn't hate it, but she was hurting and sore. She needed time to recuperate and get food into her body. She knew this wouldn't be easy, and it wasn't, but damn, was it more than she thought it was.

She looked around the darkened room. The blackout curtains made it hard to see, but she could tell it was daylight out at the very least. Her first time in Damon's room, and she couldn't even see it, but that wasn't quite at the forefront of her concern right now. Her stomach growled to make her lack of food known. She turns to look next to her, the large figure of her handsome assaulter sleeping soundly with his arm draped over her waist, keeping her in place. That wasn't the only thing holding her in place at the moment. He still hadn't pulled out of her from the last time he came. She carefully released herself from his grasp, holding her breath, so she didn't wake him up. She needed food and water if she was going to handle this anymore, but she hoped that everything up to this point was enough to satiate his rut.

Zoey tiptoed her way to his closet, opening it as quietly as she could and grabbed whatever shirt she could get her hands on, and snuck her way out of his room, holding her breath as she did so, worried that it would wake up the beast sleeping soundly in bed. When she was free in the hallway, she breathed a sigh of relief. Zoey never thought there would be such a thing as too much sex, but this was too much sex. She stopped by a bathroom on her way to the kitchen to clean herself up. While doing so, Zoey noticed not only what a mess her hair was, but she saw all the hickeys, marks, and bruises on her body. She might as well have been a walking human leopard.

The smell of bacon had her almost cumming. She hadn't wanted food so much in her life than at this very moment. She practically ran to the kitchen. When she did, she was greeted by Kali, Max, Ian, and Lily. Zoey was surprised to see Ian and Lily here, "Hey guys."

They didn't need the greeting to know that Zoey was coming down the stairs. The overwhelming smell of Damon's pheromones all over her was enough of a warning. Kali already had a plate of breakfast prepared for her the minute she sat at the table. Lily smiles at her friend, "Good morning, love. How do you feel?"

Zoey digs into the plate of food without a second thought, her actions driven by her hunger, "Sore. Tired. Starving."

Lily nods, "That's normal. Is there anything concerning we should know about? Like if any of those bite marks are too deep?" She said, gesturing to one of the few bite marks peeking out from the shirt that covered them.

Zoey shakes her head, "No. Everything's peachy. I don't know how much longer I can keep up with him. You guys weren't kidding when you said it would be intense, and it wasn't anything like I had experienced before."

Lily chuckles, "Yeah. Well, alphas tend to have strong animal instincts, and Damon's are heightened from being suppressed for so long."

Zoey scarfed down the last of her food and was about to go for a second plate when Kali set another plate in front of her. Zoey smiles and thanks Kali before she starts stuffing her face again. Kali was a gorgeous mind reader, "What are you guys doing here anyways?"

Lily kisses Ian on his cheek, "Ian thought it would be safe to have us nearby in case something unfortunate happened. I figured he was worrying for nothing, but it didn't hurt to have us around for a bit."

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