Chapter 15: Love is Love

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Damon takes another gulp of his drink and lightly bonks her on the head, enough to get her attention but not enough to cause her even the slightest bit of pain, "Stop that."

She snaps herself out of her thoughts and raises her brow at him in confusion, "Stop what? I haven't said anything." He was just as weird as ever.

He runs his hands through his hair and leans back on his palms, his cheeks slightly flushed from the alcohol, "I know what you're thinking so stop it. You and Cole may not have been mates but what you guys had was love. Love just comes in different forms and that's one of ours."

She stares at him for a second before she bursts into laughter, "You're a funny guy you know that? One minute you're lecturing me about what I should and shouldn't do and the next you're trying to comfort me." Damon avoids her gaze, seemingly embarrassed so she lightly shoves him with her shoulder, "I'm not making fun of you. It's cute. Your mother and your pack are right. You're a good guy Damon Rose. You can just feel the amount of love and acceptance here even from an outsider like me..." she lays her head on her arms, "Which is why I've made my decision."

"About?" The seriousness in her tone catching his attention.

"The baby." She gives him a sideways glance and small smile, "I'll have the baby. I think it'll grow up with so much love here and I think you'll be a good dad to it."

Damon perks up which causes Zoey to giggle, he looked like a dog who just got rewarded for being a good boy, "Are you serious? You're not joking? And your sure you won't change your mind?"

She shakes her head, a genuine smile plastered to her face, "Yes, I'm serious and no, I won't change my mind."

He immediately sits up, excitement taking over, and picks her up scooping her into his arms, "That's such great news! You definitely won't regret this. We can co-parent and you can live here with us." A frown forms on her face as he continues, "I'm sure everyone will be thrilled-"

"I think you're misunderstanding what I said..." she shuffles her way out of his sudden embrace, bothered by the warmth he brought with him, "I said I'd keep the baby and have it but I never said I would be a part of its life and I never said I'd be here..." she covers her arms with her hands, physically closing herself off from him. She felt guilty for giving him the glint in his eyes only to stomp on it a moment later but it had to be addressed. Even if she looked like the bad guy and even though it hurt to say.

"Oh..." he lowers his head in disappointment as she sits back down beside him. Letting the eerie sadness seeping from him fall between them.

She didn't know what to say to him but she figured it would be best to explain since she caused the defeated expression that was plastered all over his face, "Look... I still don't think I can be a mom and I'm not sure I will ever be able to again. I just... I feel so broken and empty without Cole. I don't know how to fix it." She stares off at bright colors painting the sky. She could feel his gaze on her but she couldn't look at him directly. She didn't have the balls to see the hurt in his eyes again, it bothered her to hurt good people, "With that being said, I know you want to be a dad and you said no matters whose it is, you'd take care of it. It doesn't feel right to rob you of having that opportunity because I'm not ready. Especially since I know you guys will take such wonderful care of it. Like with Max." She takes a deep breath and then finally risks looking at the expression he was making.

To her surprise, she didn't find the same broken expression he had a second ago but a small smile, "I get it. Thank you for thinking of me. You didn't have too but you did." He leans back to his original relaxed position, "And if you ever change your mind then we'll be here. The both of us. I'll always be here for you whenever you need it. All you have to do is ask."

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