Chapter 26: House Arrest

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A few hours passed while Zoey laid in bed watching television, and just like when she had first arrived, it wasn't long before Kali came into her room with her lunch. She sits the tray of chicken on her lap with some mashed potatoes and mac and cheese, "I'm so relieved you're okay, Zoey. You had us worried there for a while."

Zoey immediately beams wide the minute Kali walks in, "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to worry you. Thank you for the food. I'm starving!"

She begins gorging down the food as Kali takes a seat next to her, happy to see her eat, "Damon was extremely worried too, you know. He rushed back home the minute he found out you were hurt. He was also mad, but it seems he's over that."

Zoey already knew that from her eavesdropping earlier, but she'd kept that to herself and who her prime suspect for the current ordeal was, she needed to find out more about Liam, and it wasn't like she could follow him right now. Who better to ask than one of her only good friends in the pack?

She gets a fork full of mashed potatoes before she opens her mouth to ask, "Hey Kali, what do you know about Liam?"

She gives Zoey a confused look; she had no idea why her friend asked about him, "He's one of the pack's 'soldiers,' I guess you could say. He alternates protecting our pack's borders with some of the others, and Damon depends on him a lot if he needs something to get done, like saving one of the wolfs in the city from T.E.R.A. He goes on more field missions since Damon's been home a lot. Why?"

She shrugs her shoulders, "I just wanted to thank him for saving my life." She felt terrible lying to her friend, but she couldn't accuse someone without proof. She wasn't planning on continuing the vicious cycle others had towards her. That's not how she was raised.

Kali smiles, not thinking twice about it, "He knows that Damon cares about you a lot, and he admires him, so I'm sure that he was happy to do it."

She hadn't exactly said anything that incriminated him, but that didn't mean he wasn't guilty. If there was more than one person behind it, he could let them on to pack territory since he was in charge of protecting its borders, but there was no motive.

"Thank you for the food, Kali. It's as good as ever." She finishes the last bite of the food she scarfed down, "Do you know when I can take this thing out?" She moves her arm to gesture to the IV drip connected to her arm.

Kali reaches out to touch it, "I should be able to take it off now if you'd like. Other than nutrients, there are just painkillers in there for your arm. Ian says, your lucky that Henry didn't break it, or you'd need a cast. He did take out a big bite, though. I had to wash you when you were unconscious, and it looked pretty gruesome."

Zoey looks down in shame, "I'm sorry..."

She anxiously waves her hands in front of her, "No, don't apologize. I wasn't trying to make you feel bad or anything. If anything, I'm sorry that everything was done without your permission, but you don't have anything to apologize for."

Zoey chuckles at Kali's embarrassed demeanor. This girl was just too sweet for her good. She decided to tease her a little, "So are you trying to say that I still look pretty good naked? Figured with this growing baby bump that I wouldn't look as good, but if I have nothing to apologize for then-"

Kali's face turns beet red from the insinuation, "Wait, no! That's not- I... um..."

Zoey bursts into laughter; Kali is too cute and innocent, "I'm just kidding, Kali. Relax. Are you still a virgin?" Zoey goes about trying to take out the needle from her arm.

Kali helps her take it off and sets it off to the side, "Yeah. I am. That's probably kind of weird, right? I'm 21 and still a virgin. I just haven't had an opportunity to date yet. I spent a lot of my childhood just running and hiding."

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