Chapter 40: Bitter Sweet

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Both Zoey and Lily leave Wing Tech Industries, but Zoey had more questions than answers. She never got to ask Damon why it was he was providing tranquilizers and other technology to her father. She got too distracted with teasing the man that it had completely slipped her mind until she left, but it did remind her about all the problems that were just around the corner, and she needed answers.

She glances to the side of her at Lily, who was scarfing down her fair share of donuts she just snatched, "Hey Lily, do you mind if we hit one more place before we head back to the hotel? I have some questions that I think someone I know can answer."

Lily licks the glaze off her fingers, "Sure. We don't have to go back just yet. Lead the way."

A wide smile spreads across her face as she hails down a yellow taxi cab. They shuffle their way inside, and Zoey tells the man the address when she looks to the side at Lily, "Lily do you know why Damon makes things for T.E.R.A?" She didn't know if Lily knew about it, and she figured it would be a touchy subject, but she couldn't exactly leave it alone either. Her friend had to know something, right? She and Ian were close to Damon.

Lily stops eating and lightly frowns, "Oh, you heard about that, huh?" She puts the box of donuts down to give Zoey her full attention so she can explain it right, "Not everyone knows about that, so if you could keep it quiet, then it would prevent some misunderstandings, but he figured that if T.E.R.A was going to use weapons against us no matter what then it was better for us to know exactly what we were up against then being taken by surprise with something unknown. Does that make sense? So if he provides them, he knows exactly what they do and how we can protect ourselves from them. Besides, T.E.R.A is good for business, and if the business does good, then so does our pack. He can provide shelter for more of us, clothes, and enough food. Things like that."

"Ah..." so basically, it was the lesser of two evils. Damon works with T.E.R.A for his kind. It sounds a bit horrible on the surface, but she already knows that Damon does everything for his pack, so why would this be different?

It wasn't long before they arrived at their destination. The tan apartments Zoey had grown accustomed to were just beyond the horizon, and it drew a smile to her face. It had been way too long since she had been here, and she wasn't sure if the person she was looking for would even be here or if he'd even want to see her, but Zoey missed him, and she had to try.

Zoey got out of the taxi and led the way through the maze of complexes until they came to the one she was looking for. She makes her way up the steps with Lily trailing behind her, every step making her more nervous about her reunion. She hesitates to knock for a moment.

Lily was about to say something when a low voice spoke from behind her, "You've got to be shitting me."

Both the girls turn around to see the apartment owner with groceries in hand. Zoey gives the man a sheepish smile and opens up her arms for a hug, "Hey, Mikey. Did you miss me?"

The dirty blonde man clicks his tongue and glares at Zoey, "Do you know how worried I was about you? I didn't know if you were dead, alive, kidnapped, or lying in a ditch somewhere, and now you just casually show up like none of that has happened?" He stands his ground, refusing to take another step toward her.

Zoey puts her arms down. Of course, he was angry with her, that much she expected. He was her best friend and the only person in the world she didn't want to disappear on, "I'm sorry, Mikey..." she trails off and looks down at the ground shamefully, "things just got complicated fast, and I couldn't contact you."

Mikey's glare softens a bit, he never could be mad at Zoey, but he wasn't about to let this up. She had completely disappeared for months! At least that was his intention until his gaze fell upon the small bump protruding out of her belly, "What the hell is that?" He hits his forehead, "For the love of God, tell me you just got fat."

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