Chapter 25: High Tension

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Just as the wolf pounced, Zoey raised her arm to shield her most vital vulnerable point of attack that he was aiming for, her neck. The wolf sinks his teeth in her arm, exuberating enough pressure to break it. She gets knocked to the ground with the sheer force of his attack and grits her teeth to keep from screaming as the wolf tossed side to side, trying to break her arm and rip it from its socket. The searing pain was enough to cause tears, but she was determined not to scream. Screaming wasn't going to save her now.

Shit. She was fucked if she couldn't get him unconscious in the next two minutes. She could already feel her body heating up from the poison coursing through her veins from his bite. In a matter of minutes, she'll be knocked unconscious, and she's done for if that happens, so much for not wanting to do anything risky.

She pokes the wolf in his golden eyes, causing a whimper to escape him as he instinctively lets go of her and takes a few steps back. She takes the split-second opportunity of him trying to shake off the pain in his eyes to wrap her legs around his neck, quickly tightening to a death grip while using her arms to hold him in place to keep his teeth away from doing any more damage.

The wolf thrashes and claws at her trying to get her off of him. The long claws scratched through the thin layer of clothes she had on. What she was wearing wasn't nearly durable enough to protect her like her T.E.R.A uniform, but it was what she had on. The blinding pain escalated with each claw mark, but she refused to let up, putting all of the strength she had into knocking the wolf unconscious. It was a battle of wills at this point.

She could feel herself quickly losing strength as she tried to choke out her opponent, but his thrashing was getting weaker with each attempt. The lack of oxygen was taking its effects. It wasn't long after until his body went limp within her grasp. When Zoey was sure he was no longer a threat, she collapsed next to him and began breathing heavily. Sweat was coating her body along with blood and dirt. She tried to muster the strength to stand, but her body wouldn't obey her. If she stayed in this condition long enough, she was as good as dead. She needed to get help or reach someone that would help her. She needed the antidote.

She mustered enough strength to drag her limp body a few inches before her vision blurred enough that she didn't know which way was which.

Not moments later, she hears footsteps not too far from her, directly outside the wooden diner, "Is he happy? I did what he said.... What do you mean?" Zoey was drifting out of consciousness, and the last piece she fully caught was, "Damon's done for. He'll fall into their lap soon enough."

Zoey mentally protested and tried to fight to stay awake to hear who it was they were talking to or who they were because it sounded like she had found the person responsible for all the destruction. Still, the blurriness that coated her vision finally faded to black.


A small beep and voice woke Zoey from her slumber. It was Damon and Ian, "Damon, you can't keep taking these. I can't keep doing this in good conscience. You're taking deadly dosages at this point. If it weren't for you being an alpha, you'd be dead. Your body has developed too much of a tolerance. You have to let nature take its normal course and stop fighting it."

This was a serious conversation. A conversation she was curious to hear, so she stayed quiet. Zoey hears some shuffling before Damon speaks, "I know. It won't be for much longer. I just need a little bit more time. I'm sorry to be asking you this, but I need it. You have no idea what will happen if I don't."

Ian sighs, "Despite what the pack thinks, you're still our alpha, and I'm your doctor before your friend. I have to keep you alive for the good of our pack. I will stop giving you this soon. It won't help anymore, and it's already hurting you."

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