Chapter 52: Unknowing Accomplice

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Zoey slowly opens her eyes and immediately holds her head. She was dizzy from whatever they knocked her out with, assholes.

Her eyes wander around the room. It didn't take long for her to recognize where she was at. The pictures of people she went to high school with plastered around her mirror and the red bed sheets she's had longer than she cared to admit, and the few posters of bands she loved in high school. She was in her old room.

She tossed her feet over the side of her bed and made her way to the window. She saw two black cars parked out front. They couldn't be any more conspicuous. If she wanted to leave, it seemed she would have to sneak and possibly fight her way out.

She rolls her eyes and walks over to her dresser, where she grabs a small portable taser. Her father had her carry it everywhere she went just in case, and now felt like the perfect opportunity to use it.

She makes her way to the door. When she opens it, she's greeted by two men standing just outside, and she groans, "I don't suppose you two are going to let me out of here quietly. Are you?"

They turn around and shake their head, "Sorry, Cross. Your father gave us specific orders not to let you out of here, and just so you know, we aren't the only guys in the house. So don't even-"

The guy gets cut off when Zoey tasers him and the man next to him, "Thanks for the heads up, but you talk too much, Fillon. It's always been your problem." She walks over the convulsing bodies of the two men and tiptoes down the hallway slowly, carefully keeping an ear out for anyone else.

She makes it to the end of the hallway and peaks over the side of the staircase to see two more guys talking by the front door, and she could hear what sounded like two towards the back of the house, which said they were guarding the back door.

Her father didn't want her to leave, but she had already decided it didn't matter what he wanted. From the moment he stopped being the man she grew up with and became a man who would murder someone innocent in cold blood for some hidden agenda.

She quietly made her way to one of the guest bedrooms on the second floor, which would give her access to the backyard, where she could get away seamlessly without alarming most of the guys in the front of the house. As much as she'd love to try, she couldn't take on all of them at once—two, yes, but not the four plus that she counted.

She opens the window and looks down at the straight drop. It was about a twenty-two-foot drop. It wouldn't kill her, but it wouldn't be a walk in the park either, and she hoped the noise wouldn't get the guys' attention. Thankfully there was a soft grass landing to break her fall too.

She puts the taser in her back pocket, takes a deep breath, and tosses her legs over the side of the window, holding herself up by her arms. It was much harder to do than she remembered. It was clear that she hadn't worked out in a while. Zoey slowly lowers herself down until she is barely holding onto the window sill with her fingers before she closes her eyes and lets herself free fall. She collides with the ground, landing on her right side. A dull pain began to emanate from the whole side, making her aggressively bite her lip to keep from shouting out in pain. She didn't break anything, it was manageable, and she was outside the house, so she considered that a win.

She got to her feet after the pain subsided and walked to the edge of their fence to glance over it to find which neighbor's backyard was the better option when a voice came from behind her, "I'd just give it up, Cross."

Zoey bites her lip as the realization that she was caught hits her and then turns around to see the two men she tasered along with the two men she assumed were the ones guarding the back door, "And what kind of person would I be if I did that? The only thing I learned here is that I need a stronger taser next time. Hope that didn't hurt too much, fellas." She pulls out the taser from her back pocket and holds it out in a defensive stance, "I'd suggest you all give me a chance and come at me one at a time." Two guys approach her at once, and she sighs, "I guess that was too much to ask for."

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