Chapter 43: New Beginnings

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Zoey held Max tightly in her arms as her eyes traveled along the mass sea of werewolves in front of her. She was suddenly reminded of Cole's funeral. It felt almost entirely the same. She stood way in the back during the ceremony, and she could again feel the hatred they all had for her. To them, it was her fault that they had to bury their children. So much time had passed between then and now, so little had changed, and yet so much. Sixteen pyres stood in an open clearing among the trees at sunset, one for the woman who raised a gorgeous man at the front giving the ceremony and the others not even a fraction of the size that held the lost children.

Tears streamed down Zoey's cheeks. She was mourning a baby she hadn't even met. She could only imagine what it was like to mourn one when she saw them smile, play and see what kind of person they were turning into. What good was she if she couldn't even help give these families some closure?

Max looks up when a drop of water touches his cheek and notices Zoey crying. He wipes her cheek. He didn't like to see her crying, "Don't cry, Zoey. It'll be okay, right? You said it would be okay." He wraps his arms around her neck to try and give her some comfort.

A small smile plays on Zoey's lips at the little wolf's hug. She leans into his embrace in her arms, "Yeah. I know it will." She kisses him on the cheek just as Damon finishes their prayer and begins lighting the pyres on fire. The sun had faded from the sky, and the only light around was the light of the fires, shining light in the dark as if showing a glimmer that not all hope was lost.

She could see both men and women crying into one another as Damon stood tall in front of his pack, not a flicker of doubt on his face as he cleared his throat to address everyone, "I want to apologize to everyone here formally. You all deserve an explanation for the events that have been taking place here recently. I didn't want to worry you all if it could be helped. I wanted to find a solution before addressing it, but events are moving too quickly for me to catch up, and you all have a right to prepare for it how you see fit. We've lost too much not to." Damon pauses and looks at all the amber eyes looking up at him.

Zoey's eyes wandered the crowd, and her eyes wandered to Liam, who was in tears and was being comforted by Kali. Zoey scrunches her brow in confusion. Why would Liam be so distraught if he had killed the kids? She sighs, probably because he didn't do it. She'd have to confirm with Kali later, but her main lead for who did it seemed to have come to a dead end.

"This warning is for everyone here. All the new members of our pack and the old." He takes a deep breath. She could see how hurt it was for him to say what he had to say, "The Minoans pack is no longer a safe haven for us. T.E.R.A has known the location of our pack since the moment that werewolf came onto pack territory and challenged me a few months ago. He was nothing but a pawn, being controlled by T.E.R.A. He was being tracked from the beginning." Gasps and low whispers escalated among people in the pack at the shocking news. Damon ignored it and continued, "T.E.R.A has found a way to control our movements like robots with a chip implanted into our brain." He pulls out the microscopic chip, "Any werewolves captured by T.E.R.A now have the possibility to be turned into a killing machine to kill others of our kind."

Families held onto each other close as he put the chip away. They began asking what they would do when he continued, "Now, I don't know why we haven't been raided yet, but I do know it's no longer safe here. I only want what's best for you and your families, and if you feel it's best to leave now and find another pack or place to live, then I understand. The nearest pack is David's, and he doesn't have the resources to accommodate all of you. He can only accommodate a few. The packs further east may be more accommodating, but there are no guarantees. If you decide living in the cities is best, I suggest taking extra precautions not to be caught by T.E.R.A. If you choose to stay here, I suggest you prepare for an attack that can happen at any moment. I'm in the process of trying to relocate us but haven't had any luck thus far. I haven't stopped looking, and keeping you safe is my top priority. That's what the extra patrols have been for and the secrecy."

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