Chapter 2: The plague

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Excuse me you second class biscuits. Seriously; blocking up the corridor like your all that, some people have lessons to get to.

"Hey Shelley"

"Belle, oh God I missed you so much"

"Shell, it's only been the weekend, two days, is that how much you love me? You can't even let me go for a Saturday and Sunday. I think your getting too clingy, maybe we should break up?" I taunted with a growing smirk.

"Oh hush Belle. You know I love you" nodding I took my seat beside my best friend, only friend, but I'm fine like that- no drama, just me and Shelley living our teenage dream. Okay, maybe not that overboard.

"Aren't you just dying to do your personality quiz, we can finally find the Prince Charming's we dreamt about as little girls" I raised an eyebrow, mischief blanketing my green eyes.

"Really?" I stretched, "because if I remember correctly, it was always you looking for your Prince Charming whilst I coloured or painted 'Husband wanted' posters for you" unlike me, Shelley was a hopeless romantic, eyes always glued to the next love story or film, she'd even made me sit through a whole Disney princess marathon.

Blushing like a tomato, I distinctly heard her mutter a 'shut up' just as the teacher walked into the room and the bell rang.

Never late are we Mr.Pretz, I thought as our home room tutor entered the class.

"Morning folks, right so today I'll be handing out your personality quiz sheets, y'all just have to fill 'em in and-"

He was cut of by the sound of the door opening, and in all his glory Noah entered, looking dead.

Dead gorgeous that is.

Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce you to Staly high's infamous bad boy, Noah Bridge.

Now, I'm not one to lie, Noah looked like he belonged in an Abercrombie underwear catalogue, but there was a lot behind the boy with a sleeve of tattoos and a motorcycle. Everything about him screamed danger, and I for one stayed far away from his dark aura.

Noah wasn't someone I'd ever socialised with, and probably never would be. We were complete opposites, he was the schools bad boy and I was their good girl, we completely cancelled each other out, we'd be a volcanic eruption if we ever clashed.

I wasn't looking for trouble, and Noah was exactly that, many would call him cliché but Noah didn't sleep around or party that I knew of, none of the girls in the school even dared to speak to him, they stuck to the hormonal jocks of the town. However, just because they couldn't touch Noah didn't mean they couldn't look at him. Noah was gawked at like a chocolate sundae on a summers day, wherever he walked the earth seemed to still for him. One look into his piercing grey eyes could make a person fall to their knees. He was the plague everyone desperately tried to avoid but always watched out for.

Noah took his seat and no one uttered a word, not even Mr.Pretz, I wouldn't blame him though, Noah did have a reputation of getting... messy, yes, messy seems like the right word to describe all the situations Noah could throw you in.

Clearing his throat, Mr.Pretz continued, "As I was saying, just fill in the sheets and hand them in before leaving for first period".

And just like that, the normal chatter resumed as the sheets were handed out.

Come on Belle, fill in the sheet and you'll be done.

Remember to comment and vote- picture of Belle at the top.
Hope ur enjoying the book so far, feedback is gratefully welcome
Next chapter will include the quiz questions- hopefully up on Friday the 13th or Sunday the 15th at the latest
Thank u xxxx

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