Chapter 18: Throat dry

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I made this chapter extra long

Y'all deserve it for the long wait

I'm sorry

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They say you never forget your first kiss

I guess they were right

My breaths came out labored, it finally occurred to me, this was crazy.

Noah. Noah and me didn't belong together. We were on opposite sides of the spectrum and this...

And this was a mistake.

"Noah we can't do this. You don't know a single thing about me and-"

"I know princess, I know" he cut me off

"Then why? Why would you kiss me Noah?" My voice cracked.

"Belle you make it hard, you make it so fucking hard for me to hate you. When you do shit for Xaviar, when you don't judge me, when you blush. Fuck Belle, I fall when your with me and it doesn't hurt, because I'm flying. I don't do the right stuff Belle, but your innocence scares me. I'm a fucking bastard for craving you but your a candle, my light, my favorite scent, my guide"

He was breathing hard, I could feel the rise and fall of his chest against mine. But right now his raging heart beat couldn't even make me runaway, I was complete slack in his arms and it felt right.

His grip on my legs tightened, pulling me impossibly closer.

I put my lips against his forehead and asked him the question desperate to exit my mouth.

"What do you do Noah?"

Everything paused for a minute, our breaths drifting through the wind, mingling as seconds felt like hours.

Noah nuzzled his head in my neck and carried me to his car, no it wasn't a Ferrari, a Lamborghini or even a Bugatti.

It was an Audi, sleek, sophisticated and black. It's not something you put with a person like Noah but somehow it suited him. It was a mystery.

Though the car was no flashing sports car, let's be honest, an Audi TT was still pretty impressive

My legs were still tightly wrapped round Noah as his breath tickled the skin of my throat. A small giggle escaped my lips causing Noah to chuckle.

He sat me on the bonnet of the car as the cool wind danced around us.

"I want to take you somewhere Princess"

I nodded my head and he quickly captured my lips in a small kiss, my heart went into overdrive as I blushed furiously.

Noah's eyes gave nothing away as he went back into the house only to return moments later carrying a sleeping Xaviar.

He went to the house next door and a frail old lady answered the door, I could hear Noah's voice, his tone was soft but warning, respectful yet daring.

"Oh I'd love to look after Xaviar, it's been a while since I've seen this sweet boy, and how many times have I told you boy, call me Nan or at least Audrey, none of that mrs or ma'am nonsense." She was sweet, I already liked that lady and I could tell Noah did too, the loyalty in his eyes was blinding but he only gave her a stiff nod.

It was as if Audrey knew what his response would be, her smile never faltered but you could see the pain she felt for Noah, the love and admiration she had for him.

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