Chapter 11: Finding Noah

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Thank you so much to all my readers for getting me to #326 on teenfiction

I am literally so happy and so amazed by everyone's kindness so thank you

Y'all are amazing and I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!

Noah's house at the top.


I had to find Noah.

No, I needed to find him.

If there was any possible way on earth I was going to get an 'A' in this project with him, then we would have to start working early.

Not to mention I wanted it over and done with.

The quicker we got this done, the less I'd have to deal with him, and trust me, I was in no way wanting to spend more time with him than I had to, he was just too...


Yes, Noah was unpleasant. And hot.

I did not just say that.

Please tell me I did not say that.

I mean how could Noah be hot, the guy had gorgeous grey eyes, delicious abs, a strong jaw and a damn hot sleeve of tattoos. He practically looked like a frog, and I did not like frogs.

Well if you kiss him, he might be a prince.

No, that was plain impossible. Noah could never come close to being a prince, he was no gentleman and was rather rude.

And like I would kiss him. My first kiss would go to a man I trust, a man I slowly yet gracefully would fall in love with. The day I kiss Noah will be the day Dylan O'brien stops looking good as fudge, and trust me, that is definitely impossible.

Anyway, back to finding Noah.

Finding Noah, huh, has a ring to it don't you think?

I walked down a dark street. Apparently Noah lived around here, I sorta persuaded Mr. White into getting his address for me. I would have been a total daddy's girl if my dad bothered to stick around but he didn't, his loss.

Right, 122, 123, 124, 125, 126. That's it, that's Noah's house. It didn't look bad, it looked quiet homey, well the most inviting on this street. Although Noah's house didn't look like the devil's abode, I knew Noah wouldn't be happy to see me. But I was desperate and there was no way I was backing out now, I did not just drive for 30 minutes for nothing.

I hesitantly took steps towards his door. I basically made a 2 second stride into a 20 minute walk, but you can't blame me, Noah isn't the greatest company.

Lifting my fist, I gently knocked on his door. There was no backing out now, unless Noah wasn't home and that seemed very unlikely seeing his tell tale bike was parked outside.

Total bad boy. I rolled my eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Well it's better than having the door slam in your face.

Completely ignoring his irritation, I get straight to the point.

"We have work to do" I state, trying to sound as confident as possible whilst those steel grey eyes almost freeze me.

He was so cold, I didn't understand why.

Noah just stared at me, and not in the "your as hot as hot pies" way, more like "you're related to lunatics", which by the way, I'm not. You don't exactly know though, your dad may have been a lunatic.

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