Chapter 20: Blame the photographic memory

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So sorry for such an overdue update

However there is NOAH in this chapter!

I also wanted to let you all know I've entered the Watty's 2015 and your votes and comments literally mean the world right now so please do press the little star or leave a little comment.

Anyway I hope you enjoy the chapter!

Get reading my lovelies


I'm a coward.

I can't go to his house.

I mean let's be rational here- he's a drug dealer.

A fucking drug dealer.

So help me God, but I am definitely not going to his house.

Noah, you always make things unnecessarily complicated.

I mean why couldn't you be a pizza boy? I bet you'd rock the uniform and there's no doubt girls would be tipping you at every corner. Even though I'd prefer them not to but any things better than a drug dealer right now.

Currently wearing the scowl of the year I gripped my hair tightly in my hands.

What the fuck am I meant to do?

I closed my eyes and steadied my breathing, think positive Belle.

I've been to his house before, there wasn't anything fishy about the place and I seriously doubt there is if Xaviar lives there.

I grab my car keys, not willing to take the chance to rethink my decision.

Life's about taking risks, and Noah may be the biggest one I ever take.

"Mom! I'm going out. I'll be back by 10, love you!" I run out the house, not waiting for a reply

So maybe I am in a rush to see Noah, but I am not speeding. I've never had a ticket and I never will.

Only a couple of blocks from his house I saw a car looking suspiciously similar to Noah's. I shook my head, it's only your imagination Belle.

I'm hallucinating, it happens to tic tac addicts, AKA me.


That's his car, I know the registration number of his ride and that's his.

Hey, don't blame me, I'm no creepy stalker, blame the photographic memory.

I pulled over behind his Audi and stepped out my beetle.

What the hell is Noah doing at a run down nursery at nine thirty in the night?

You know what, I don't think I want to know. Liar

I just want to find Noah and get our shit sorted.

My heart was pounding against my chest, I took a shaky step towards the nursery.

Just a couple more and I'd be at the door.

One step, two step, three step, four...

My toes were centimetres away from the door, they weren't quite prepared for a November outing but flip flops were comfortable all year round and at least I was wearing a sweatshirt and sweatpants.

I complemented whether to try and open the door myself or knock. There could be some real business getting down in there and the last thing I want to do is crash that tea party.

Unfortunately, God has not graced me with grace, I walk like freakin' big foot, they'll probably think I'm an intruder and kill me before sight.

Yeah, so I'm definitely not randomly walking in.

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