Chapter 12: Normal

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you guys are totally awesome

Hey skittlesandnandos if your reading this I love all the covers you sent me, thank u so much.

the one that is currently being used is by her- she is awesome and the one on the top is also by her. You all seriously need to follow her.

I hope you guys enjoy this chapter

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Luv Iris


By the time Noah was back up I'd already finished reading to Xaviar. The munchkin was already fast asleep.

"We can go work now" Noah's hard voice broke me out of my daze, I blew out a breath and nodded my head in agreement.

My neck felt sore from looking down at the book so long.

Damn that feels good, I thought as I stretched my muscles. Some of them were still asleep but I had enough working to follow Noah wherever he was leading me.

We came face to face with a simple white door, the door to Noah's room, nothing special, it was just normal with a normal handle.

Well what did you expect Belle, a "Do Not Enter" sign or something?

Now was not the time for my self conscience to go all smarty pants on me but yes, yes I did think he would have some sort of sign on his door, but something more along the lines of "enter if you dare".

"Are you going to come in?" I shifted myself to see Noah staring at me with curiosity, a dark curiosity. His stare made shivers run down my spine and I could only nod whilst I tried to catch my breath.

The walls were a simple cream, there was a TV with an Xbox at the corner and a double bed along the side. Noah's room was surprisingly tidy, no it wasn't neat freak clean but it was organised enough for general use. In the other corner of the room was a desk and chair. There was a mac, printer and a few bits of stationary lying here and there. He also seemed to have his own closet and en-suite, nothing lavish, just normal.

Just normal.

It was something I doubted a guy like Noah would live by, I guess you really shouldn't judge a book by its cover.

"What do we need to do?" Noah was now sitting by the desk, I slowly made my way over and sat opposite him on his bed, let my legs dangle of the edge. His eyes were calculating but he didn't say anything.

"I guess we should decide on a country first?" My voice was small, I bet it resembled to one of a mouse.

Noah nodded, I'm guessing he doesn't like to talk.

Talk or talk to you?

"I don't care."


"Oh erm, I was just saying, we err...we should do our project on Afghanistan, yes, Afghanistan. What do you think?" Noah stared at me, long and hard until he lowered his chin in agreement and turned away.

Well, that went well.

"So I guess we could start by doing research. I could do the economics you could to the social" I felt like I was talking to a rock, not to mention highly uncomfortable.

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