Chapter 19: Ignorance is bliss

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Finally, An update

You know what? I won't take much of ur time

Start reading and I hope you enjoy!


I avoided him.

Just like I should have.

Noah didn't make any effort to find me, explain to me, talk to me. He didn't do anything.

Some part of me wanted him to run after me, kiss me senseless, make me forget, anything, just anything.

I needed him like I needed water. The longer we're apart the more I crave him.

Shelley tried to find out what was wrong with me, but I snapped and now she's probably hiding somewhere wondering what she's done wrong.

I felt guilt surge through my body, I didn't even feel awful for shouting at her. This is Noah, he consumes me, makes me forget everything.

I knew I was being unfair, unfair to myself and everyone around.

Noah shouldn't be affecting me, he was never meant to. We were never the average match, we were meant to finish the project and live our separate lives.

But somehow our paths crossed and now it's just one trail and for some reason I can't seem to lose him, he's always beside me.

I sighed resting my head in the back of my sofa. My mom was of on one her little business trips, I hadn't talked to Noah in two days but I swear it felt like years. Every inch of me yearned for him. It felt like my heart only beat for him, my breaths only came for him, I only wanted him.

But as the saying goes, you only want what you can't have. How true it is.

To be completely honest I always knew there'd be a catch to Noah, in my head I knew there'd be something about him that'd make me run but my heart didn't want to believe what it didn't want to hear.

Ignorance is bliss.

A sarcastic smile graced my face, I'd never thought I'd be one to self wallow on a coach, guess I was wrong.

The sound of the bell chiming had me exit my self pity. Self pity was a funny thing, like tomatoes, you wouldn't mind looking at them but you'd never want them thrown at you.

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" The sound of the bell could be heard continuously, it worried me, I wasn't expecting anybody.

I opened the door to come face to face with an old lady, I've seen her before, where? I had no idea.

"Hello?" I asked, uncertainty was laced around my tone.

"Evenin' sweet pea, your Noah's girl aren't ya?" The woman emitted warmth, I felt comfortable with her but...

Hold on a sec.

Did she just call me Noah's girl?

"I'm sorry, I don't think we've met" call me slow, but I still couldn't remember where I'd seen this kind old soul.

"Oh how silly of me, I'm Audrey, Noah's neighbour" my eyes widened in realisation and I gave her a small inviting smile.

"Yes, I remember, how may I help you ma'am?"

She shook her head in silent laughter.

"Just like Noah, your just like him, call me nan or Audrey sweetheart, I don't do good when people call me ma'am, makes me feel like some vile witch"

"I'm sorry Audrey, would you like to come in?"

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to intrude sweetheart I just came to grab you for a small chat if you were free"


It killed the cat, but didn't it have nine lives?

I knew somewhere in life my curiosity would cause serious harm but I was willing to take the risks.

"I'd love to talk to you Audrey, I'm alone at home, we could chat over coffee or tea, whatever rocks your boat" I gave her a charming smile and she laughed nodding her head.

I lead her to the living room and asked her what she'd like.

"Tea please love and thank you"

"My pleasure" I quickly made the tea and a small white coffee for me.

"So Audrey, what would you like to chat about" I sat comfortable in the armchair, sipping the hot drink as it warmed me up.

"Sweet pea, you and Noah, you're both to stubborn to see what you have. I know Noah may not be a piece of cake but he's worth it, the boy's had to grow faster than he should've. Life was unfair to him and he took a few wrong turns. I tell you what sugar, that boys not perfect but then again he's definitely something amazing. When I saw Noah two days ago he looked happy, he looked alive, you bought the light back into his eyes but I caught him yesterday and looking at him brought tears to my eyes, he looked lost, hopeless."

She took a breath and matched my eyes with her own hypotonic gaze.

"I know what he does ain't good, but Belle the boy came too me askin' how to be good, how to be normal. Show him love Belle, bring back the smilin' Noah, bring back your Noah."

"He's not my Noah" the words felt wrong coming out my mouth but it was the truth, it had to be.

"He's been your Noah since the first day you knocked on his door" a sad smile was plastered to her face as she stood up ready to leave.

I didn't mean to be rude, but I had to know, I had a right to know.

"How did you know where I live?"

"Your mother, she designed my grand daughters wedding dress, I swear that woman has magic in her fingers"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to be rude, I just-"

"Don't worry yourself love, no harm done, just fix my Noah, please, that boy's my son, not by blood but it don't matter. My heart still breaks watching him in pain"

I gulped and nodded my head.

"Goodbye Audrey, would you like a ride home?"

"I can still drive sugar, I ain't that old yet" she laughed as my cheeks reddened.

Her eyes suddenly became serious but still soft and kind.

"Don't let go now Belle, don't let him face his obstacles alone, help him. Loves a funny thing, but it gives more than it takes"

And then she was gone.

Noah, I'm not sure what I feel for you but I'll be damned if I don't find out.

I'm coming back Noah, I'm coming back.


I'm sad too- there's no Noah in this chapter but I guess it's just the way it is.

My updating schedule is horrendous, I'm not even going to bother explaining it but I do apologise again.

Anyway- do you think I should enter this into the wattys2015?

Tell me what you all think- I love all your comments

Also I have this story Athena, I'd love to start updating it once I get more feedback so if u don't mind would y'all check it out, u don't have to but I'd be pretty damn happy if y'all did

Comment and vote!

I'll see you all in chapter 20!

Love Iris xxx

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