Chapter 10: He makes me lose control

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Thank you soooo much!!!!

I have 120 votes yayyy!!

Literally dying of happiness

Also I'm loving the increased number of reads- 2000, I can't believe it.

You guys don't know how much this mean to me so thank you.

Extra long chapter especially for y'all- enjoy, comment and vote

Belles outfit at the top.


It felt weird coming to school, I wasn't hiding in a janitor's closet or constantly looking behind myself.

Woah, Noah must have swayed me more than I thought.

It's funny, I never wanted him to influence me but life really doesn't seem to like following my ways. Noah wasn't ever meant to happen to me, but he did and he's left marks I can't seem to wash away.

Sighing softly I made my way to class. Social studies was a subject I enjoyed and I intended to be fully focused, my teacher Mr. White was also quite fond of me, we had a connection, like a father daughter thing, he cared for me but was always fair.

I made my way to my seat and waited patiently for the lesson to start. School really sucked right now, none of the air conditioners were working, thus forcing me to wear a flowy, yellow tank and some white shorts.

"Right class, you will be partnered up-" Mr. White was cut short when some idiot decided to butt in.

"Can we choose our own partner's" earning a glare and a stiff head shake signalling 'no' from Mr. White, the guy groaned along with the rest of the class, I wasn't really that bothered, I mean, my only friend was Shelley and she didn't share this period with me.

"As I was saying, you will all be assigned a partner and will be expected to finish the project together by the end of the year. You'll have to work hard considering it's worth 40% of your final grade and those who achieve lower than a c will have to attend summer studies."

Everyone seemed to be listening carefully, not that I'd blame them. Who in their right mind would want to spend summer at school?

I was curious, social studies projects always had me captivated, they were like an adventure to me. I just loved the general knowledge I gained and I know it sounds beyond geeky, but this was me and I wasn't going to change.

"Your project will consist of you and your partner learning about the third world countries. You'll be marked on your final presentation, research, creativity and team work."

Everything was perfect, until he said team work.

Now I'm not a control freak but I demanded perfection, 99% wasn't enough. My work was and would always be flawless and team work just didn't seem to abide that rule, well of course, unless it was Shelley.

"I'll assign you a partner and a country, you will work with who and what you have got without hesitation, am I understood?" An chorus of 'yeahs' and 'mms' were played through the classroom as I just sat there nodding my head along.

"Good, your partner will be your match from the personality quiz, we decided to..." everything seemed to have blurred.

Once Mr. White had uttered the word match, my mind seemed to stop working.

You must be kidding me.

They want me to work with Noah? The guy that can't even stand looking at me, and for god's sake, does Noah even take social studies. I swear he's not even in half the time and I will not deal with his shit.

See what he makes me do- he makes me bad, he makes me lose control, swear, violent, angry. Noah ruins me.

Noah isn't known for his grades, thats probably the last thing on every sane humans mind when they see him, but I need an 'A' and if Noah was the only way then I would take it.

It's about time that princess got put in his place.

I didn't people were already moving to their partners, I mean what was their fucking hurry? I get that they may have been lucky enough and actually got a descent human of a match but not all were as fortunate as them, example- me.

I felt like punching Mr. White in the gut and every other person who had a part in this idea. Who in this damn world thought it would be fucking fine to give Noah a match, Cause let me tell you, it isn't. You can't give a match to a guy more beast then human, it's a wonder I haven't shit myself infront of him.

The scraping of the chair beside me made me wince, the sound deafened me for a few seconds. Can I not just be left alone to rage in my damn fury?

"Look dude, I am having the crappiest..." my eyes grew wide, jaw fell slack. Only for a second though.

"Fuck off Noah, I don't want to deal with you right now" I was being honest. Noah needed to understand that not everyone could deal with his shit, especially with his attitude being included in the package. I bet I aged 10 years since talking to Noah, the amount of migraines he gives me is unbelievable.

"Look princess", funny, he's the one that acts like one, "I don't want to do this any fucking more than you so just do what the dick says" my blood was boiling, hot and thick. I may not be happy with Mr. White's choice but I certainly still respected him.

"Grow up Noah, it's a damn assignment- we do it together. Learn some damn respect" I lashed at him, he stared at me with narrow eyes,

"I already told you princess, I don't like repeating myself so here's the deal. I don't have time for fucking summer school so we do this project together but nothing else changes, you got that?"

I slowly nodded my head, my eyes never straying from his,

"Good" and he left. Again.

Well at least I could breath again.


I'm sorry this chapter is late but I have seriously been drowning in work. my first week of exams is finished- I have two more than I promise I'll update more regularly.

Comment and vote- I always try to reply!!!

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Go check it out and I wanna thank you all for all my achievements again.

Thank u again from the whole of my heart, Iris xxx

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