Chapter 17: I finally knew what fireworks meant

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I'm sorry

I'm so sorry

This is so late and I'm so sorry but I was super busy and I wrote this chapter twice because I wasn't happy with the first one.

But that's no excuse so I apologize again

Please forgive me

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There's a little something special in this chapter! I hope you enjoy it!

3 weeks.

That's how long Noah's been ignoring me.

After our little moment Noah didn't seem to want anything to do with me. It was as if he unintentionally decided to pour his heart out at me, but let's be honest, that probably wasn't the case. He was always in control.

Right now I was standing outside his house waiting to catch him. Err... that sounds a little worrying but I'm desperate and a desperate woman has no limits.

A lot of the matches had already gone out on their first few dates, not that I cared because I totally didn't .


Shut up. I was in no mood to argue with my subconscious today and anyway, she always seemed to beat me somehow.

I remember two days ago when Shelley came over for a midweek girls night. Yes, we did those.

Our top topics to talk about consisted of; JJ and Shelley and Shelley and JJ.

Great night for me right?

After that, I couldn't really stop the green eyed monster within me, I admit I was jealous. Actually I am jealous but you can't blame me, I'm a 17 year old girl with a hot grump as my match.

Now this so called grump may have wore his heart on his sleeve for a couple of minutes, however he's a complete pain in the backside the rest of the time.

Personally I don't know why I'm so affected. I mean these little setups mean nothing, they're just part of the high school experience. An experience I'm not really taking part in.

I pulled my coat tighter around me. Fall was slowly leaving us, it was the beginning of November and although our small hearty town rarely got snow it did get pretty cold. There would be no more warm October days, it'd be blanket season soon enough and I wanted nothing more than to move to Australia right now. I was a summers girl, winters never did it for me.

"NAKED!" The ear piercing scream brought me back from my thoughts and I grinned towards Xaviar.

The little munchkin was running towards me, he literally zoomed out the car and into my arms.

"I missed you naked. Noah said you were busy whenever I asked about you. I thought you forgot about us. I thought you left us like mommy and daddy." my heart clenched, his voice was muffled as he spoke into my shoulder. My arms instinctively tightened around him as a lone tear fell from my right eye. I was so happy. God I was happy. My heart swelled with love for the treasure in my arms.

"Oh Xaviar, I could never forget you little guy. I love you so much" my voice was crumbled as I sniffed trying to keep my snot in my nose. Graceful, believe me I know.

"I love you too Belle" I was dying, I couldn't stop the Niagara Falls of tears, I couldn't stop the smile on my face, I couldn't stop being happy.

I don't think I've ever hated anyone in my life but I swear I'm coming close to it with Noah.

How dare he keep me away from Xaviar, who the hell did he think he was?

His brother.

"Princess, let go of my brother before he dies of suffocation" I couldn't find it in myself to be the least bit embarrassed, I probably looked like Godzilla's puke but I was to far gone to care. Xaviar had just flipped my world for the better with only four small words. Five if you count my name.

"Let's go inside buddy, it's getting cold okay" it wasn't my house but I wasn't leaving Xaviar just yet. We walked inside hand in hand with Noah trailing behind us.

"Go take a shower Xaviar" Xaviar hugged my legs tight as I ran a hand through his hair then slowly left.

Well this is awkward.

"What are you doing here Belle?" His eyes, I thought I'd gotten used to their cold melting gaze but that was impossible. You could never get used to Noah. I'd been stupid enough to forget that.


He nodded his head and stepped forward, his forehead touching mine, I wasn't looking into his eyes anymore, in fact, to anyone else it'd probably looked like I was studying the floor.

"Why do you keep coming back princess?" His words were airy, breath skimming over my eyelashes as I refused to look up.

"I don't come back Noah. I can't, because I never leave" I don't know what possessed me to look up into his eyes but I knew it wasn't a mistake.

His lips suddenly crashed onto mine, his arms now tight around my waist pushing me against a wall.

Oh god. I don't know what to do.

As if Noah read my mind he picked me up, my legs automatically going round his waist.

"Just do what feels right Belle"

And I did.

My arms went round his neck, pulling his lips back onto mine. They danced together, completely in sync.

I finally knew what fireworks meant.

My hands moved smoothly in his hair, eliciting groan after groan and damn did each sound sexy.

His hands ran up and down my jean clad upper thighs as his lips worked feverishly with mine. His tongue soon skimmed my upper lip demanding for entrance and I wasn't going to say no. I was at his mercy.

Soon enough we both needed air but I didn't let go. He didn't let go. We were both breathing deeply, staring into each other's eyes. I was smiling but Noah...

Noah was looking at me like I was something priceless. He was looking at me like I was his world. And it scared me because I was sure the look in his eyes were mirrored.

Noah didn't know much about me, to be honest I don't think he even knew my second name but we didn't need to.

We were like magnets, drawn to each other.

Yes things could come between us but we'd worry about those later.

All I knew right now was that my brain was on total shut down.

They finally kissed!


I hope this made up for the huge, wait. This chapter is so late, I won't blame you guys for hating me.

I want to thank you all for #97 again- honestly you guys have no idea how happy I am. I am so grateful for having you all, I feel so blessed so thank you.

The next chapter should be up by Thursday and I promise if it's not Thursday it will be earlier. No more late updates from me anytime soon.

Thank you guys!

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~Iris xxxx

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