Chapter 14: Hot and Cold

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Yay! I have updated!

I know it's after ages but I was on a twelve day outdoor trip and there was like no signal. Ikr, like how did I survive?

Anyway I dedicate this chapter too amber.daybreak on Instagram- her wattpad doesn't seem to be working for me but she's real awesome for making me this cover and three others. They're on my Instagram if you want to check them out!!!

My Instagram: Coco_cool1234

Thank you for all the reads/votes/comments- they are absolutely insane in an awesome way

Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!

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Someone was here.

I could feel it. Although my eyes were closed, I could definitely feel it.

The sounds of restless shuffling were a major give away, the person was clearly looking for something, or someone.

I slowly opened my eyes, squinting them to see through the darkness. Xaviar was still sound asleep beside me, his soft snores calmed me a little.

I needed to find a phone, I had to call Noah.

My body shook like crazy but I crept out of bed and grabbed a pillow. Don't question my choice of defence, I'm not thinking clearly right now.

I slowly made my way into the hall, my footsteps were light, my breathing was slow but I was shaking hard. Not to mention I was probably sweating the whole Atlantic ocean.

The pitch black caused chills to run through my blood. I was hot and cold. I was a bi-polar but now was not the time to dwell on the fact.

I silently manoeuvred myself to face the direction of the living room but instantly stopped when I heard something behind me.

Xaviar's room.

Why would someone be in Xaviar's room?

I gripped the pillow harder, knowing exactly how stupid I was being, but I was curious. Noah sparked something in me, a flame and it was still burning.

I walked towards the door as my mind chanted the mantra,

Your making a mistake

Your making a mistake

Your making a mistake

It seemed like I didn't want to acknowledge the fact or I was either the dumbest person to grace the earth.

The door was slightly open. The racket from the room was significantly louder. I peered through the gap between the open door only to be enveloped in another room of darkness.

Out of nowhere someone gripped my wrist and pushed me down, straddling me.

Well this was a compromising position.

My eyes went wide and I started to shake. I was seventeen year old, defenceless girl going to die. Not that I had many defences from the start, the pillow was dropped somewhere near the door.

"Please let me go, I haven't done anything. I don't have a criminal record, I promise, you can check, I was only meant to be looking after-" a hand covered my mouth, successfully cutting of my rambling and breathing for a few seconds before I realised I had a nose.

"I'll only ask you once Belle, where is Xaviar?"

"Noah?" Never in my life I thought I would have been so relieved to hear Noah's voice.

"You still haven't answered my question princess" I was thankful the room was dark, Noah's face would have probably made me crap myself hours ago. He didn't sound calm, he sounded tired yet destructive. He was ready to kill.

"He's sleeping in your room" I finally whispered out in the smallest voice ever. I was surprised Noah even heard me but he did and he also grabbed me hard, not even bothered if he was hurting me.

He pulled me up and roughly tugged me towards his room.

Once he saw Xaviar sleeping he instantly let me go and walked to him, careful not to wake him up.

Staring down at his brother, Noah ran his fingers through his hair and started to talk.

"Why is he sleeping in my room?"

I debated whether I should lie and tell him Xaviar missed him or just admit to the truth.

"Well I, I can't sleep with... Without my emm teddy bear and me and Xaviar couldn't fit together on the couch or his bed and I couldn't find a... A guest bedroom so I... I moved him in here so he could sleep here with me because I was emm feeling really tired and-"

"Ok" Noah cut me of again but it didn't look like it bugged him that I'd slept in his room, his bed. I was just glad the truth didn't bother him, I was never one for lies but it didn't mean I'd never told any, because I have, even if they're very small white lies they still count. Unfortunately.

"You know princess. When I came home, I expected to see Xaviar still sleeping in his bed and you maybe in the living room." Noah was still looking down at his brother as he ran his hand through his hair.

"When I didn't see him, I don't fucking know. I wanted to throw all types of shit at you, kill you, kill your whole fucking family" I gasped when Noah turned and his eyes met mine, they were full of honesty and that scared me. It built fear in me faster than any roller coaster at Six Flags.

"But you stayed here Belle, you looked after my brother and however fucking much you irritate me I've got to fucking thank you."

I didn't know what to say, it'd felt like I'd been through a revelation. Ok, maybe not.

But still, Noah saying thank you might as well have been a miracle.

"Your welcome and thank you?" I didn't exactly know what I was thanking him for but Noah seemed to appreciate it as he nodded his head.

The whole atmosphere was lighter, I felt as if I could fly. It felt better knowing Noah wouldn't hurt me without reason but I still wasn't comfortable with him. He was capable of things I didn't even know existed and to be honest I didn't even want to know them. They were secrets I'd be glad he wouldn't share with me.

"Well I guess I better be going now" Noah didn't say anything and I took that as my cue to leave.

I walked towards Xaviar and kissed his little forehead mumbling a sweet farewell, I sent a small smile Noah's way which he obviously didn't return and made my way towards the entrance of the house only to be backed up against the door.

"You should be scared of me princess" he was so close, he breathed the words in my ear making my whole body shiver with warmth. Not again.

I took a deep breath and pushed Noah back.

"I'm not scared of you Noah" the words slid down my tongue and I fled the house only thinking one thing.

I'm terrified.


So I hope you enjoyed this chapter!!!

Let me know what you think

Thank you all again, you all are literally amazing for literally everything!!!

See you at chapter 15 my lovelies

Ta-ta Iris :)

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