Chapter 7: Don't pee in your pants

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Pic of Xaviar at the top- just imagine him with grey eyes.

Hope you enjoy this chapter

All feedback is welcome, praise or criticism but don't be mean

Love you guys and thanx for reading this novel by me

Forever grateful, Iris
My mind went blank.

I couldn't hear a single sound but I could feel the curious gaze of the whole class upon us, even Miss. Tatter was staring, waiting for the show.

Noah seemed to be nonchalant towards the attention. Well he's probably used to it by now.

I felt a large hand wrap around my wrist, gentle but firm. I looked up to see Noah standing up, pulling me along with him. I valued my life too much to question or stop him and silently followed his antics, every part of my being was screaming to stop him but I couldn't, I just couldn't.

We entered the corridor, I could hear my heart thudding, my breathing, quick and fast, my lips getting dry. Calm down Bell, I chanted the words like a mantra in my head, the only thing stopping me from running like coward.

I slowly raised my head only to look straight into precious grey eyes. Woah.

I heedlessly licked my dry lips and rubbed my clammy hands against my shorts. Right Bell, your a strong, independent woman, just tell Naoh about Xaviar and leave.

"Erm.... I..I'm Bell, your Noah, well of course your Noah, everyone knows your Noah. See I met your little brother Xaviar this morning, it was completely coincidental, I can assure you I'm no stalker. he told me to tell you that he's in school... I'm not lying I dropped him of, you can call the school to make sure, I never lie, I always..."

"I know" Noah's hard voice cut me off, his cold eyes would always be engraved in my memories. He was so emotionless, it scared the living daylights out of me.

I realised I'd been staring at him way to long and quickly looked away, a hard blush was defiantly covering my cheeks making me resemble to an overripe strawberry.

I decided I'd had enough of us beating round the bush, well at least me, Noah didn't even seem to acknowledge we were matches.

I cleared my throat and stated, "we're matches".

Noah mumbled something under his breath and stuffed his hands in the pockets of his jeans.

I knew I shouldn't, if I knew what was good for me but I carried on.

"Noah, are you just gonna stand there like nothing's going on or are you actually going to co-operate. I know you don't want to be here and buddy, neither do I, but could you get of your high horse and actually try and make this work till the valentine's dance" I said, I was sick of his behaviour and I refused to be treated like I was non-existent. Noah had just pulled me out the classroom and I wasn't just going to miss history and catch up for no damn reason.

Noah didn't seem to appreciate my words and his eyes burned with fury.

Don't pee in your pants Bell, it'll only make things worse.

"We're not matches Bell, it's a fucking mistake" that hurt, I mean I've never had a boyfriend but I didn't think I was that repulsive. Naoh didn't seem to care, his steely eyes never strayed from me as he went on.

"Your the perfect good girl every sane guy secretly wants. Your the face in all their fucking dreams. Bell, how the fuck did we get matched? For fuck's sake, I cringe at the sight of your perfection and your nose scrunches every time I swear."

I stare at him in shock, frustrated as hell,
"I don't fucking know Noah" and turn and walk of.

Who in this damn world does he think he is, so maybe he did indirectly compliment me and maybe I am jumping like a monkey inside because of it but it does not mean he can expect me to be ok with his notorious attitude.

Well at least I told him about Xaviar- that's an accomplishment.,

Holy-mother-fudging-mother-of-holy-banana's, I walked away from Noah.

Damn, I'm good.


So people, this is one of my longer chapters and I'm damn proud of it.

Let me know what you think and check out my other stuff.

I'll try update next week but if not don't hate me- I have tests, be nice and forgive me.

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Love you

-Iris xxx

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