Chapter 8: Smooth as a baby's bottom

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So my lovely readers, chapter 8 is finally up. YAY!!!

This is dedicated to skittlesandnandos and hey-there-weirdo for their ongoing support and comments on the novel.

I will always be very grateful for their support and affection to the novel.

I welcome all comments for praise and improvement- remember I'm not perfect so make criticism constructive and any comments make my day!!!

Remember to vote- it makes me really cheery;)

If you want to be dedicated in a chapter- comment and vote and I'll try very hard to dedicate you but if I can't I'm very sorry and I'll always be grateful.

Thank you again


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Paranoia: The unjustified suspicion and mistrust of other people.

I admit, I was being a bit paranoid but hey you would to, I mean- not to brag or anything, I walked away from Noah, freaking Naoh.

Course I was dealing with the consequences of pissing of the schools bad boy now. Damn I hate you Noah. Seriously, I didn't get a wink of sleep last night worrying Noah would crash through my window and most likely feed me to the non-existent wolves in my back yard.

If you think I'm exaggerating you have another thing coming, Noah's name may mean peace but he was anything but peaceful. The dude was a freaking hurricane ready to tear anything in its way.

Right now I was hiding under a desk in the library after school. I couldn't leave the place in fear Noah would be waiting out for me ready to humiliate me I front of the whole damn population. I'd prefer being known as a nobody in school rather than Noah's victim. I'd managed to avoid him all day today and I'd be damned if he found me now.

"Belle, what the fuck are you doing under those disgusting desks? Do you know how disgusting that is, look at all the damn gum underneath."

I jumped nearly hitting my head on the desk.

"Shelley, shut up. I'm hiding from Noah you moron" I hissed recovering from my near death experience. Shelley sure knew how to rile me up.

"Why in the world are you hiding from Noah? I mean does he even know who you are?"

Yes, yes he does know who I am Shelley, I glared daggers at the oblivious girl in front of me. She probably got a really great match if she's so happy, but then again Shelley's always cheery, she might as well be Pinky Pie from 'My Little Pony' in human form.

"Why in the world does it look like Niall Horan has just asked you out on a date?" I wondered raising an eyebrow, Shelley's wide smile may be thoroughly annoying but she still was my best friend.

"He might as well have..."

"Huh?" The girl was making no sense right now, Shelley may have had an, excuse my language, 'shitty' IQ level but she could speak English and make sense, when she wanted.

"Oh Belle! He's perfect. Absolutely perfect. We're going on our first date tonight, it's going to be just like the movies, sweet and romantic..." she sighed like a little girl watching Cinderella and Prince Charming getting married.

I however, was still utterly confused about who this 'Mr. Fancy Pants' must be.

Shelley had always been a bit, okay maybe a lot of a romantic but this guy must have had some good lines if Shelley's already falling head over heals for him.

"So Shells, do you mind telling me who this delightful young man might be?"

"Jay Johns, from the baseball team. Belle the schools golden boy is my match, can you believe it?"

No, no I can't believe it.

No wonder Shelley's melting, JJ was the schools crowned possession, the guy was as smooth as a baby's bottom. Maybe he could lend some of his moves to Noah, he definitely needed them.

As if suddenly remembering my presence,

"Who's your match Belle" Shell asked, still dazed by JJ.

"Err, well you see Shell..."

She cut me of, suddenly looking very panicked.

"I have to go Belle, we'll continue this later..."

No, we hopefully won't.

"JJ is going to pick me up in an hour, I have to go get ready. I can't believe it, I'll be late oh my god Belle, I have to go. See you later sweetheart" and of she went, skipping like little red riding hood.

I took a breath of relief and saw the librarian glaring at me, probably because of Shelley's noise, but hey lady, I can't control Shells shrill voice.

Shaking my head I came out from under the desk and hurried out of the library leaving an unimpressed librarian staring knives into my back.

I really didn't feel like explaining how my life was endangered, thus leading to me finding refuge in the library.

No, I really didn't want to share that story with the librarian.

I ran to the car park and saw my little Beetle was the only thing decorating the space.

Huh? Must have been in the library longer than I thought.

I ran to my car and quickly opened the boot to throw my stuff in when a voice had my heart stopping.

"Your finally out princess, it's not good to keep me waiting, I promise you wouldn't want to know the consequences"

Oh shit.

This chapter is so late and I'm soooooooooooo sorry my readers, I've just been very busy so forgive me please.

Next chapter will probably be up in a few weeks, I have my spring exams next week- wish me luck my lovelies

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and as always comment and vote

Thank you again hey-there-weirdo for the poster, I absolutely adore it.

Thank you all for commenting and voting.

I am forever grateful

Till next time you amazing people

-Iris xxx

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