Chapter 4: The witch that punished girls with periods.

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Picture of Noah at the top- just imagine him with a sleeve of tattoos.

I understand, I'm dying because of his hotness too

Hope you'll enjoy this chapter.

Morning came earlier than I'd expected, I was in no hurry to find my match and when my mom entered my bedroom, I knew Shelley wasn't the only one who'd look like a giddy drunk on a horse today.

I still didn't want my match and never would; I'd prefer the traditional approach of finding a guy myself. Well, as traditional as it could get in the 21st century...

Shaking my head I groaned into my pillow,

"Mom it's 5:30 in the bloody morning, what in the world are you doing up at this time?"

However, as she does, my beloved mother completely ignored me and opened the blinds letting the angry rays of sunshine glare me to oblivion.

"Bell, get your lazy bum out of that bed and go get a shower. I'll help you get ready for today and find an outfit for you" she ordered looking at me expectantly.

Now someone please tell me I'm not the only one confused right now, I mean what in the world is going on because I can swear upon my life I have no damn idea.


"Well hurry Bell, you need to look good for your match today and we only have around 3 hours till you have to go"


I see.

Could someone please do the honour of explaining to me why these bloody results were so extremely important?

"Momma... seriously. I want to sleep, leave me alone"

"Bell, if you don't leave this bed now, I swear to god you'll never watch another episode of Teen Wolf under this roof"

Proof, my mother was satan.

Pure evil.

The devil in disguise.

The witch that punished girls with periods.

I nearly cried at the thought of never seeing Dylan O'brien again.

I mumbled a load of nonsense under my breath and blindly lead myself to the bathroom tripping over a few things on the way. Now you see, I may be the town's 'Miss Perfect' but cleaning was not my forte, never was and never would be.

Finishing my business, not that you need to know, my mother came and did my make up and clapped her hands like a 3 year who'd been told Christmas was coming early, literally.

I rolled my eyes at here and suddenly caught myself in the mirror,

"Woah" I looked good, amazing actually compared to the plain Jane I am.

"I know right, don't you look like a princess ready for her ball" I couldn't even register my mother, my hair was up in an intricate design and my make up was light and elegant, this couldn't be me.

I was definitely hallucinating.

"Probably because of eating Pot noodles for a month running."

"You've been doing what?" My mother screeched.


"That's it! There will be no more Pot noodles in this house till your thirty"

"Tell me I don't speak out loud."

"Oh sweet, you've been doing this since you've started kindergarten, I found it adorable and Shelley found it absolutely hilarious, it's probably why we never told you"

I mentally face palmed myself.

"You say what?"

"That was not correct English Bell, don't you ever let me hear it again. Now, let's go get you dressed" I shrugged carelessly, it's not like I had anything to hide or anyone apart from Larry, mum and Shelley to talk too; speaking out loud didn't really bother me, but I would miss the Pot noodles dearly; I only had 2 more flavors to go, then I would've tried them all.

Grudgingly, I followed my mother to my closet and stood limp behind her, my eyelids feeling more and more heavy by the minute.

My eyes went wide when I saw what my mother was holding.

"Isn't this perfect Bell, your match won't be able to take his eyes of you"

It's official,

My mother needed parenting lessons.

Can someone please tell me where the cheapest copy of 'parenting for dummies' is available.

My mother's eyes dimmed when she saw the horror in my face,

"What's wrong Bell, do you not like the outfit?" She asked, completely oblivious to the problem.

"Do you want me to look like a prostitute mother? I would never enter school in those scraps of..o.f...of material" I exclaimed looked disgustedly at the garments in her hand, if they could even be called that.

Yet my mother stood there, raising a perfectly arched eyebrow,

"Your wearing this Bell, and we are not talking about this again" she deadpanned.

Sometimes I really wish I'd had a dad here, I mean which mother would send her daughter to school in nothing but the tiniest blue mini skirt, possibly a belt and a crop top that wasn't really much better.

I stomped to my bathroom and got changed, frustrated by my mothers appalling behavior, I'd have to take an extra set if clothing to school with me, there was no way I was spending a whole day in that attire with a school filled with pigs rather than boys.

I shuddered at the thought of what would happen and packed a white tank and pair of denim shorts in my bag. I felt so violated right now, staring at my reflection I just couldn't see why my mother would choose this. Did more skin shown equate to more beauty?

If that was the case, I'd rather be ugly any day, because right now I didn't feel like anything apart from uncomfortable.

Not even turning to say a goodbye to my mother I left home early grabbing an apple and slammed the house door shut hurrying to my car and driving to school.

Hopefully I'd be able to change in the girls changing rooms before school starts.


Woah- longer than usual chapter, I hope you enjoyed it.

Remember to comment and vote

This chapter was early so the next chapter will be somewhere between the 23rd and 26th of feb.

Thank you for all those that read this story

I really love feedback so remember to comment if you can

Thank you again


Till next time

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