Chapter 22: You'll be mine and I'll be yours

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Sorry for such a long wait but here's chapter 22 ft Shelley!

Enjoy! Remember to comment and vote!

"Ok Belle, just remember, if all else fails smile and look pretty"

"Gee thanks Shells, you make it sound like I'm going to eat lunch with the president. It's just Noah sweetheart, calm down"

Seriously, is this really me talking, I never knew I could even sound so relaxed.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down? My best friend since forever is finally falling head over heels for a guy, it's the moment I've been waiting for Belle, you can't ruin it"

Shelley wouldn't stop pestering, a little perfume there, some lip gloss over there and God have mercy, how dare I forget to top coat my nails.

"Honestly belle, is it even possible to not top coat when your going to have lunch with Noah?"

I've done it a few times.

Granted, it wasn't always lunch.

"I've never gone on a date with JJ without top coat, it amazes me how you could forget, have I taught you nothing?"

I rolled my eyes and closed my locker, Shelley had managed to do my makeup and hair all in the privacy of the girls toilets, which weren't that private. I was getting weird stares from everyone, and when I say everyone I mean everyone; girls, boys, teachers, janitors, even the school lunch ladies. Somehow everyone knew me and Noah were matches. They all had this look of pity in there eyes but I didn't get why, Noah wasn't that bad.

"Shelley I love you but you are taking this way too seriously"

Shelley pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. I just stared at her dumbfounded.

She let out a small breath and sagged her shoulders knowing she'd lost.

"Fine, have it your way, you'll realise your mistake soon enough"

"Okay then... I'm going to go see Noah now if that's alright with you"

"Go, leave, but remember-"

"If all else fails smile and look pretty" I cut her of.

"See, you're already getting the hang of it"

I rolled my eyes and gave her a small wave as I started to walk away.

Shelley really knew how to ware me out but I loved her, I mean how could I not.

I was making my way to the school quad, Noah'd texted me to meet him there.

"Princess" I smiled as I saw him walking towards me.

"Hey" I rocked on my heels as Noah finally stopped in front of me.

He nodded his head in acknowledgement and grabbed my hand, pulling me to wherever he ate lunch.

"Where are we going Noah?"

He either didn't hear me or he's ignoring me.


"That the best you got princess?"

My cheeks heated realising I'd spoken out loud,

"I'm sorry" suddenly Noah stopped walking and turned to face me.

His palms rested gently on my cheeks,

"Don't apologize to me Belle, I was a dick for not answering you, I'm sorry" his lips landed on my forehead, warming the skin beneath.

"And to answer your question, this is where I have lunch"

The old pavilion.

"But Noah, this place must be horrid inside" my eyes quickly scanning over the worn, rusty exterior.

"Don't judge a book by its cover Belle"
That's all he said before leading me inside.

My eyes widened in shock when the lights turned on, no it wasn't a luxury pad but it was clean with bean bags and a mini fridge. It was bare but small and cosy. It wasn't disease ridden like I feared, it felt safe.

"So this is where you hide out"


"How'd you get the bean bags inside" I was fascinated, it would have been fairly difficult to get a mini fridge and bean bags past the teachers and into the pavilion without thorough interrogation.

"School grounds are pretty easy to break into, especially when they have security cameras only on for show" it was true, our town was minuscule, everyone knew everyone, yes we had the good and the bad but school didn't have much that would interest criminals. Why would anyone want to rob thirty year old computers anyway, they hardly work and would most likely be impossible to sell. Text books were worth more.

I lowered myself down onto a bean bag, watching Noah grab some food from the mini fridge. Beer and two sandwiches.

"Oh, I don't... I don't drink"

"I know"

I pursed my lips as Noah handed me a can, realising it was indeed a Monster.

It wasn't much better for my health but at least I wasn't breaking the law.

"Thank you"

We ate in silence, the sandwiches were just ham and cheese but they were filling and I enjoyed the quiet.

Minutes passed, me and Noah just stared into each other's eyes.

"Come here" his low voice danced into my ear.

My breaths became shallower and I walked towards him, my stomach in line with his face.

I gasped when I was suddenly pulled down, forced to straddle his lap, not that I minded much. Or at all.

"I don't do labels Belle" his hot breath fanned my lips.

"I don't do anything less then the fullest" his eyes burned into mine.

"I want you Belle. So bad." His nose skimmed mine.

"Kiss me and we'll be together. You and me, no boyfriend-girlfriend shit. Just you and me, I'll give you everything I can, I'll protect you, I'll treasure you. You'll be mine and I'll be yours" his lips moved down my neck, nipping, biting, sucking on the flesh.

"But you can leave now, it's what you should do princess, because you deserve better. I won't make that choice for you though Belle. I'm a selfish dick and I fucking need you" his hands were on my hips but his eyes wouldn't leave mine. Burning, waiting.

"I want you Noah" I moved forward my lips millimetres from his ear,

"So fucking badly"

And then we kissed. Hands all over each other like wild animals. My palms under his shirt, his under mine. Grinding our hips against each other.

From then I knew my lips wouldn't be touching anyone else's because I was his and he was mine.


So guys we're only a couple of chapters from the end, 3-4 I'd say.

Hope your all excited.

Also I was wondering if I should have a sequel but it would be Shelley and JJ's story.

I was on holiday which is why this chapter is so late but I hope It made up for the long wait

I'll be making a separate book with a few chapters in Noahs POV. They won't be necessary to read but if you guys want you can.

I'm look for a new cover pm if you'd like to make me one.

Remember to checkout my Instagram too; coco_cool1234

Comment and vote!

-Thank you, love Iris xxxx

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