Ashore (Asmodeus x mermaid reader)

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(This was requested by thisthingdotcum. Sorry it took a while to publish this. I've been on a small break. Also, I know it's always sunny on Diavolo's private beach, but whatever.)

3rd POV

"Why did it have to storm?" Asmo pouted as he looked out the window. The sky was now dark, and the harsh wind was making Diavolo's beach house shudder. "It's not all bad, Asmo. We're going to be here for another week after all!" Diavolo laughed as he looked outside. Lightning flashed, causing the darkened sky to light up for a second.

And for that split second, Asmo could've sworn he saw a lone figure below the lightning, reaching their arm out to the house. But before he could mention anything to the others, the supposed figure dissapeared. He figured that he was just tired, and decided to go to bed earlier than usual. Unbeknownst to him, and the others, there actually *was* a figure standing outside.

But she had collapsed upon the damp sand, hoping to get to the house she had seen from the shoreline. She had seen lights from inside of the house, so she tried to signal them. However, her body had become weak from the blood coming out of her head, so she had no choice but to lower her arm, and pass out from all the blood she had lost.

-the next day-

"Are you all ready?" Lucifer asked as everyone was about to go to the beach and relax. "Yeah..." Belphie yawned as he picked up his beach towel and umbrella. He didn't want to get sunburnt while he took a nap. As the group walked outside, they noticed something lying in the sand. "W-What the hell?!" Mammon took a few steps back, and his behind Lucifer.

There was a young lady laying down face first in the sand, and there was a decent amount of blood around her head. She also had a F/C two piece bathing suit on. "Is she alive?" Beel asked. Diavolo stepped forward, and tried to find her pulse. He did manage to find one, but it was extremely weak. "She can still make it. Barbatos, please find some bandages if you can. We should also try to wash the blood from her head." Diavolo picked the girl up, and brought her inside.

Before they went inside, Asmo noticed something shiny nearby. He kneeled down and picked it up. It was a beautiful scale the size of a guitar pick. He smiled as he placed it in his pocket, and followed everyone else inside the house.

Diavolo started running the bath, and carefully washed the blood from the girl's head and hair. Once he finished, he had Asmo dry the girl's hair since Asmo was used to doing things like that. Barbatos then skillfully wrapped bandages around her head tightly, but not too tight that it would cause discomfort.

They then placed the girl in one of the rooms they weren't using. Diavolo turned to everyone and asked them a question. "Would anyone like to stay inside and watch her? You can switch out with one of us later if you would like to." "I'll do it~!" Asmo raised his hand up immediately. "Alright. Come find one of us if you want someone to take over." Lucifer said as they left the room.

Asmo turned to look down at the sleeping girl. Her skin looked a little pale, but that was probably from all the blood she had lost. Her hair was in a tangled mess as well. There was something captivating about her.

She was a complete mystery. How did she get here? No one else is allowed here without Diavolo's permission. It was also impossible for her to get to the beach by swimming, so how could she have gotten here? Also, where did she come from? Asmo hadn't seen her anywhere in Devildom before, but where else could she have come from?

As the demon continued to ponder, the girl stirred in her sleep. Her body coiled up a little bit before she opened her eyes, revealing her beautiful E/C eyes. She hazily looked around the room, and her eyes fell upon the demon sitting next to her. "O-Oh my-! She tried to sit up, but a sharp pain cause her to let out a pained whimper. "Don't worry~! I won't hurt you, cutie. I'll be right back so don't move." Asmo stood up, and hurried out of the room.

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