Invisible pt 2 (Satan x demon reader)

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(You guys wanted a part two, so here you go. I hope you enjoy.)


It's been a couple months since I first met Satan, and all I can say is that it's been an interesting experience.

We usually hang out in the library during lunch and before school starts, talking about the kinds of books we've read.

I'm still super shy around him. I still stutter when I'm around him, but I've noticed that it's gotten a little better.

We were currently in the library before class started, and I was browsing the shelves with Satan following behind me.

"H-Have t-this one before?" I carefully pulled out a book from the shelf.

"No I haven't, but if you've read it, then it must be a good book." Satan took the book from my hand.

I felt the warmth of his hand for a few brief seconds, but it felt longer than that.  My cheeks felt slightly warm.

So we walked over to the librarian's desk, and Satan checked out the book I had shown him.

"You two will read every book in the library by the time you graduate." She chuckled.

"That sounds like a challenge." Satan replied as the librarian handed him the book.

"I-It.....sounds like f-fun." I said in my soft voice.

"You two should hurry to class, the bell is about to ring." The librarian said.

"O-Oh! We should hurry." I glanced at the clock on the wall.

"Go on ahead Y/N. I'll be there in a few." I nodded as I left the library.

3rd POV

"Do you need something else?" The librarian asked.

"Well, I just wanted to say thank you for letting us come in here all the time." Satan said curtly.

"It's no problem. The library feels a little less empty when you two come here.

Besides, if it weren't for you, Y/N would still be lonely."

"Lonely?" Satan raised an eyebrow.

"I shouldn't say this, but before she met you, she never talked to anyone. She only thanked me whenever I checked out her books." The librarian explained.

"I didn't know that." Satan thought out loud.

He knew that Y/N was super shy, but he didn't know that she didn't have any friends. He felt a small pang in his chest.

"Anyways, you should get to class too. I'll see you guys when you come here for your lunch date." The librarian winked.

"D-Date?" Satan was surprised to find himself blushing.


Satan walked into the classroom, but he seemed a little out of it.

" alright?" He glanced at me before looking away.

"Y-Yeah I'm fine." He sat down at his desk, and didn't say anything else.

"Something's off. He usually doesn't act this aloof. I wonder what happened. Well, I'll just ask him during lunch."

Throughout the class, I noticed that Satan would glance at me, only to look away a few seconds later. Which only made my worries grow.

-lunch time-

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