Notes (Asmodeus x depressed reader)

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(This was requested by noriakikakyoin999. This one shot mentions depression)

3rd POV

"Three days..." The brothers looked at the door to the human's room. She hadn't come out of her room for three entire days. The whole house seemed gloomy, so much so that it was effecting the demon brothers.

They have attempted to get her to open the door, but all of their efforts are for naught. In any other situation, Lucifer would just use his master key to unlock the door, but he secretly feared that would only make matters worse by forcing his way into the room.

"She didn't take the food we laid out." Beel looked down at the floor to see a plate of food from the night before. They had been switching the plates for every meal, but she never ate it.

One by one the brothers walked away from Y/N's bedroom door, except for one: Asmodeus. He was extremely concerned about his favorite person, besides himself of course. She was so peppy and talkative.

The day before Y/N locked herself in her room, Asmo noticed she had been acting weird. She hardly spoke a word to anyone, and her once sparkling E/C eyes seemed dull and empty throughout the entire day.

Asmo regretted not saying anything to her, or even trying to make her feel better. It was the first time in a long time that the Avatar of Lust had felt true regret. He stared at the door before taking out a thin notebook.

He had written a small note inside of the first page, and he kneeled down to slide it underneath the door, along with a pencil stuck in its spine. It wasn't the best idea, but Asmo was desperate to get any kind of contact with the human.

He stood up, and started to walk back to his bedroom in silence, thinking about any other ways he could try and get Y/N to communicate with him. Because a silly notebook isn't going to do work, right?


My tired eyes stared blankly at the door to my room, but my vision was a little blurry. I noticed shadows moving around from under the door, meaning that someone was in the hallway. The rain cloud above my head was drowning out my senses, so I could barely hear the voices outside of my room.

A few moments later, the shadows started to walk away until there was one left. The shadow got bigger as something was slid underneath my door. Then the shadow dissapeared like the others.

"What is that?"

My eyes started to focus on the object on the floor. It was immensely dark in my room since I had closed the curtains, and my eyes weren't used to that much darkness for this long.

I blinked a few times so I could see a little better. I slowly got up from my bed, but stumbled as I walked over to the door. When I leaned down to get a better look at the object, my stomach let out a loud rumble.

I hunched over in pain. It felt like my stomach was eating itself. I haven't felt like eating in a few days, and these pains were fairly regular.

I grabbed the object and went back to lay on my bed to try and ease the pain. I glanced towards the lamp on the nightstand, shakily reached out for it, and turned it on.

I dropped the object as I protectively covered my eyes from the harsh light. After a few minutes, I slowly removed my hands from my eyes. I looked down to see a notebook with a pencil in the spine.

I raised an eyebrow as I slowly opened the notebook to the first page. Surprisingly, there was something written there.

Y/N, please come out of your room! I miss seeing your adorable face, and all of us are worried about you!

I don't know what happened, but you can always come to me if you're feeling sad! I'll give you tons and tons of hugs to make you feel better!

If you're reading this, I'm bringing your dinner tonight. So if you can't talk, just write something down so I know you're alright.


"They're worried about me. Asmo is worried about me. I-I....need to...."

I grabbed the pencil, and began to write. It was a small message, but it was the best I could muster at the moment. Once I finished writing, I got up again, and slid the notebook back under the door.

3rd POV

"I'll take her dinner this time." Asmo got up from his seat at the dining table, and the others nodded in agreement. They had been taking turns bringing meals to Y/N's door.

Asmo grabbed the plate and silverware. Then he started walking to Y/N's room. He had a shred of hope that the girl had seen the notebook, and had written a message in it.

At first, he didn't see anything. But then he noticed that something was sticking out from under the door. He rushed over to it, carefully set down the food, and opened the notebook.

I'm alive. I'm just not feeling like myself. I might take you up on the hugs.

Asmo felt a presence from the other side of the door. He stayed silent as he heard the doorknob move slightly. The door slowly creaked open, and the girl peeked her head out.

Asmo silently stood up, and brought the girl in for a giant hug. Y/N started crying softly, and she clung onto Asmo for dear life. She had missed seeing the brothers so badly. Asmo started to stroke her head in a comforting way. 

"I-I don't.....k-know why I..." The girl hiccuped as she tried to explain herself, but she was choked up from all of her tears.

"It's alright, dear. You don't need to explain right now. Let's get some food in your stomach." Asmo let go of the girl and picked up her food. The two of them walked into her room.

As soon as Asmo closed the door, Y/N swiped the plate from him and started to eat. In a matter of minutes, she had already finished off the entire plate.

"T-Thanks...." She set down the plate on the nightstand, and sat on her bed. Asmo sat across from her, and opened his arms.

"Come here~ I missed holding you." The girl scooted forwards and he hugged her once again. She took a deep breath in before speaking.

"I....don't know what caused. I just started feeling down the day I locked myself in here. It...was scary." The girl trembled at the thought. Asmo leaned forward, and placed a kiss on Y/N's head.

"I'm happy that you told me. If these feelings ever return, you come to me. I'll hug them away."

"O-Okay...." The girl nodded as she leaned again Asmo's chest. His heartbeat was calming to her.

"I don't want my cute human feeling alone. So we're having a sleepover!" Asmo said enthusiastically, causing the human to chuckle.

"Where am I going to sleep?"

"The bed of course! We can't have you sleeping on the floor. You're too cute for that." Y/N tilted her head slightly, and looked up at Asmo.

"Where are you going to sleep then?"

"The bed of course! I'm too pretty to sleep on the floor." Asmo responded nonchalantly. Y/N sighed. She knew she couldn't do much to stop him.

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