Sleeves (Satan x suicidal reader)

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(This was requested by sectleader. This one shot talks about depression and suicidal thoughts)


I wrapped my newly damaged arms in bandages, and hissed through my teeth. The pressure of the bandages only seemed to make the pain even worse. I slid the knife back under my bed, and slowly reached for my F/C full arm sleeves.

It was a little difficult to put them on since I had to use my arms, but it was necessary to put them on. No one needed to know about my cuts. No one had to worry or pity me for harming myself like this. No one had to know what was going on inside of my head.

A knock on my bedroom door startled me, and I quickly looked to the knife under the bed just to make sure it was hidden. I slowly got up and opened the door. Satan was standing there with a smile on his face.

"Hello Y/N. I was wondering if you wanted to go on a walk with me. It's too beautiful outside to be cooped up in here all day." I pondered for a moment, and nodded my head silently. His smile got even bigger as I walked out of the room.

"Where exactly are we going?" I asked in my usual quiet voice. Satan just placed a finger to his lips, signifying that he wasn't going to tell me. I sighed softly as he lead me outside of the manor.

We didn't walk too far before Satan suddenly stopped walking. He had another smile plastered on his face. I glanced in the direction he was facing, and I widened my eyes at the sight before me. 

The moonlight was shining down on us, and the lights from the town almost made it look like the night sky in the human world. Satan sat down on the ground, and I did the same.

"It's beautiful...."

"It is. I like to come here when I want to think or read. I've seen the human world sky, but this has its own charm to it." Satan explained as I continued to stare at the sky. For the first time in a while, my thoughts weren't negative.

"I have a question for you, Y/N." Satan spoke up. I looked to him again, and he was looking at my sleeves. I already knew what he was going to ask.

"If it's about my sleeves, my arms get cold easily." He seemed to be surprised. I'm not though. People always ask about my gloves, and that's one of the answers that I give.

"I see. May I have a look at them? Perhaps there's a way we can-" Satan reached for my arms, but I quickly brought them close to my chest on reflex. I bit down on my tongue so I didn't scream or wince from the pain in my arms.

"M-My arms are fine! They've been like this for as long as I can remember. I-I need to go!" I stood up, and starting to run back to the manor. My thoughts were becoming negative again.

"Dammit! Why did I run off like that?! Now I look suspicious, and he's going to start worrying about me! No one has to worry about me. If I didn't come here, he wouldn't be worrying.

If I...didn't exist..."

I felt something grab onto one of my sleeves, and I quickly pulled my hand away. However, as I did so, it revealed the newly wrapped bandages. Some of the blood was starting to bleed through, leaving visible signs on the bandage.

I began running again. My mind was blank as I dashed back to the manor, and into my room. I locked the door behind me, grabbed my knife from under my bed, and ran into the bathroom. I locked that door as well.

My hand was shaking as I looked at the still bloody tip, and glancing towards my stomach. Part of me wanted to just stab myself right then and there, but the other part of me was screaming out for help.

I heard rapid knocking on the bedroom door, but I was stuck in place. Soon after, I heard faint voices talking, and the lock click open. Footsteps approached the bathroom door, and the knob jiggled as the person on the other side tried to open it.

"Y/N...can you please open the door?" I grimaced as Satan spoke. My mouth didn't want to move, and my eyes stayed on the knife in my hands.

"G-Go......away..." My voice was barely even a whisper. The doorknob moved once again, and like the first time it didn't budge.

"I won't leave you alone like-"

"Just go! I don't deserve to be here!" I screamed out. It felt like my heart was screaming with me. My hands were shaking as I slowly brought the knife down.

"You do belong!" He yelled through the door, halting the knife's descent. I looked to the door. Satan's words made me feel a mix of emotions.

"I-I......" The words I wanted to say got caught in my throat, as well as tears. I brought the knife down...

And set it on the ground beside me. I quickly opened the door, and Satan brought me into a tight embrace. I started crying into his chest as he stroked the back of my head.

I'm not sure how long we stayed like this, but eventually my arms started hurting again. I let go of Satan, and took off my other sleeve. I trailed my hand over my arm, as if that would be enough to heal them.

"I'll go and find something to heal them." Satan left the room, and I started to take the bandages off of my arms. By the time Satan came back, I was staring at the cuts on my arms..

Surprisingly, he didn't flinch at the sight of them. He had a strange looking bottle in his hands. When he opened it, Satan handed it to me.

"This should take care of the scars. If you need any more, just come and ask me."

"T-Thank you...."

(Sorry it's been a while! I was taking a small break again. I'll try to get more one shots out soon.)

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