My Savior pt 2 (Beel x reader)

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(This is part two for the 100k views one shot.

F/N means Father's name.

DISCLAIMER: This one shot talks about depression and abuse. If you don't feel comfortable reading about these topics, then I advise you not to read this.)


"I...did it..." I croaked. The last time I summoned someone was when Solomon gave me his power temporarily.

However, since I'm not as powerful as him, I was nearly drained of all my energy. Beel looked down at me, and his eyes widened.

"Y/N?" He kneeled down next to me, and I weakly smiled at him. I lifted my hand and placed it on his cheek.

"B-Beel....I missed you..." I spoke softly.

"W-Who is this man?!" My father yelled. I glared at him and tried to stand up.

"Gah!" I winced as I tried to stand. My stomach was hurting again. I held my stomach.

"Let me see." Beel simply said. I lifted up my shirt to reveal the large bruise that had formed last night.

"H-He....did it." I looked to my father again, and he physically flinched.

"Why you little-!" He took a step forward, but Beel quickly stood up.

"I won't let you hurt her."

Suddenly, the room filled with light again. When I could see again, Lucifer was standing in the middle of the room.

"It's good to see you again Y/N." Lucifer said as he kept his gaze on my father.

"L-Lucifer....d-don't.....hurt him. He may deserve it....but...don't..." I could hear him sigh at my request.

"As you wish. However, I will be taking him with us. The attic seems like a suitable place for him."

"W-We're....going back h-home...?" I ask wearily. Beel smiled and nodded.

"H-Hold on! Y-You can't just take me and my daughter!" My father yelled.

" no longer your daughter." I said coldly.

"What a nuisance. It's disgusting how some humans turn out this way." Lucifer walked over to F/N, and shoved him against the wall, knocking him out.

"Y/N, take a few things with you. We can come back here whenever you're ready to collect your other belongings." Lucifer picked up my father and slung him over his shoulder.

I noticed the necklace had fallen from F/N's hand, and I started to move towards it. Beel noticed this, and grabbed it for me.

"Stay still." Beel put on the necklace on me, and I smiled. I inched to my dresser. Though it was still hard to move.

I opened it and grabbed a couple pairs of clothes, my D.D.D, and the music box. 

"I-I'm ready..." Beel picked me up carefully, and Lucifer opened an external portal.

I closed my eyes as Beel carried me through the portal. When I reopened them, I saw the familiar interior of the House of Lamentation.

"I'll take our prisoner upstairs. Beel, I suggest staying with Y/N tonight." Lucifer started to walk away, and I looked up at Beel.

"Welcome home Y/N." He smiled at me, and I could barely smile in my tired state.

"I-I...missed it."

Beel carried me to the room I stayed in for a whole year, but I guess it's my room permanently now.

He laid me down on the bed. He placed the things I had brought with me onto the table in the corner of the room.

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