100th day (Lucifer x reader)

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(This was requested by Volleyball_Dorkzz. I also got the 100 day text recently, so I decided to incorporate that into this one shot.)


I heard footsteps outside the door, but I knew I wasn't allowed to leave my room yet.

Today was officially my 100th day in Devildom, and the brothers decided to throw me a party.

However, Lucifer told me to stay in my room until they were finished setting up the party. So I was trapped in here until they were finished.

If I was being honest, it felt a little lonely. I kind of wanted to have at least one of the brothers to be in here with me.

I would've texted one of them already, but I know they're all busy with something. I sighed as I scrolled up through the group chat.

Lucifer: I will make this your most memorable day in the Devildom. After all, it's to celebrate the fact that 100 days have gone by since you and I first met.

My cheeks flared. I'm not sure when, but I started to develop a little crush on the Avatar of Pride.

Besides his devilishly handsome good looks, the way he carried himself was also attractive to me. How he was always so cool during times of stress.

But I could tell there was a soft side to him, even if he tries to hide it from everyone. Deep down I can tell that he really cares for his brothers.

"He probably doesn't think of me that way though. I mean, he doesn't seem like the type to be in a relationship.

But whoever ends up with him is going to be a very lucky girl. If she can handle him that is."

I chuckled at my own thoughts. Suddenly, I heard a crash, and something hit the door.

"Uh, are you alright out there?" I asked through the door.

"Ow...Asmo! You were supposed to hold the ladder!" Levi yelled.

"Sorry~ but I don't want to break a nail." Asmo said nonchalantly.

"Why you-!"

"Levi, are you alright?" I asked again.

"Y-Yeah....I'm fine! Even though I literally almost died." Levi seemed to calm down.

"Okay. Just be careful you two." I said as I sat back down on my bed.

At that moment, my stomach growled. I placed my arms over it. I've been in here for a couple of hours at least, so I haven't eaten anything.

So I decided to text in the group chat to ask if someone could bring me some food.

Y/N: Can one of you please bring me something to snack on if you're not too busy? It doesn't have to be much.

I waited a few minutes, but no one texted back. So I gave up and just flopped on my bed.

"I guess everyone's still busy. Well, it was a spur of the moment idea. Maybe I have a snack in my bag."

I was about to get up, but the door quickly opened and closed. Lucifer had walked in, and he was carrying a small bag of chips.

"I hope this will suffice until the party is ready." He handed me the bag of chips.

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