Tenshi (Lucifer x reader)

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(2k views chapter. So it's gonna be longer than usual. Play the song when I say to if you want. Ik it skips one small section of the song, but I like the vocals.)


"Have you heard? Tenshi is performing tomorrow night!" I froze for a second as Levi exclaimed.

"Are you serious? We definitely need to go see her." Satan spoke.

"And get food." Beel added on.

"What the hell are ya talkin' about?" Mammon inquired.

"You haven't heard of Tenshi? You must live under a rock or something." Asmo smirked.

"Shut up! Who the hell is Tenshi?" Mammon asked again.

"You know how there's an open mic night at Hell's kitchen every couple of weeks?" Levi asked.

"Yeah. So what does this have to do with this Tenshi person?" Levi groaned.

"Here. Watch this." Levi handed Mammon his phone, and it was playing a DevilTube video.

It was a person with a black hoodie and a plain face mask on their face. The person recording was near the front of the stage.

The music started playing, and the person started singing. You could tell that it was a female because of the voice.

I glanced away from the phone and took another bite from my food. Everyone stayed quiet as they listened to the song.

"Why is she called Tenshi?" Mammon handed the phone back to Levi.

"People have said her voice is angelic, and tenshi means angel in Japanese.

The manager said that she approved of the name." Levi explained.

"That's stupid. Why does she have all that stuff on?" Mammon questioned.

"No one really knows, but people speculate that she doesn't want others to know her identity." Satan says.

"I heard that there's going to be a raffle as well. The person who wins gets to see her face!" Levi gushed.

"Where did he hear that from? That information wasn't supposed to be public until tomorrow night...."

"It is interesting. It's decided then. We're all going tomorrow night." Lucifer finalized.

"Can I stay home?" I asked. Lucifer raised an eyebrow.

"Why?" He simply asked. I sighed.

"I'm not feeling that well..." He pondered for a moment.

Then he came over to me, and placed a hand on my forehead. My face became red.

"Alright. You can stay here tomorrow. You feel a little warm." And that was that.

"Why does he have to make my heart race so much? Wait. How am I going to get to Hell's kitchen?

I'll just leave before them. Besides, I need to talk to the manager tomorrow as well."

-the next day-

I sat on my bed, waiting for the right time to leave. I had a small box underneath the bed.

It had my masquerade mask, and my black hoodie with wings on the back. Apparently one of the customers got them for me.

 Apparently one of the customers got them for me

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