Heaven or Hell? (Beelzebub x angel reader)

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(This was requested by Musicals_for_Life. Sorry I forgot to mention you when I first wrote this.)


"I miss him. How is he doing? Is he eating okay? Well, that last one is kind of obvious."

I was sitting in my room in the Celestial realm. It's been a month since I came back from Devildom.

It's honestly been hard on me. Living there for an entire year was something really special.

All of the memories I created and shared, all the friends I made, and especially seeing Beel again.

He was always there for me when I felt down or lonely. Being with him made me feel happy.

But when I left...I felt heartbroken to see his crestfallen face as I was teleported back here.

Sure, my D.D.D still works and I can text or call him, but it doesn't feel the same.

I want to physically see his face. I want to hear his voice in real life and not through a phone.

I...want to be by his side again. But that's impossible. I don't have the power to go down there.

"This place is called Heaven, but why doesn't it feel like it anymore? I used to love being here.

I remember when the brothers were angels as well. Me and Beel were close back then.

Then the Celestial War broke out, and he was taken down to Devildom...."

I curled up on my fluffy bed, and started quietly crying.

People told me to forget about Beel, and that he and his brothers were traitors. But how could I possibly do that?

Just because they weren't angels anymore doesn't mean we have to treat them as lesser beings.

Devildom wasn't Hell to me. Not in the slightest. It felt like I belonged there.

I was finally able to be by his side again, only to just be torn apart from him once more. It hurts so much...

The place I wish I could call-

"Y/N! Come out! I want you to give me baking lessons!" Luke called through the door. I didn't even try to respond.

"Luke, don't bother her right now." I heard Simeon's voice as well.

"But I want her to teach me how to-"

"I'll help you later, but you have to leave her alone." Simeon sounded serious.

"Okay...but you better teach me!" I heard Luke stomping away.

I heard the door click, and I turned and faced the other way. I felt something weighing down the bed a bit.

"Y/N, are you alright?" Simeon asked. I shook my head.

"......I-I.....want...to...go..." I whispered.

"Go where?" Simeon said. I curled up more.

"Home....." I answered.

"But you are home Y/N." I could tell he was trying to comfort me, but he didn't get it.

".....you...don't understand." I sat up.

"What do you mean by home then?" He tilted his head. I simply pointed at the floor.

".....I see...." Simeon said softly.

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