Intelligent (Demon brothers x child reader)

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(This was requested by Ignia04)

3rd POV

Beel was heading to the kitchen like always to get a midnight snack. As he walked closer to the kitchen, he could hear shuffling noises from within.

He cautiously peeked his head into the kitchen, and saw that the fridge was open, and a tall shadow was being cast upon the dark wall. Beel turned on the lights, causing the shadow to dissapear.

"Who's there?" Beel asked. He couldn't see who was hiding behind the fridge door that was opened. There was a few moments of silence before he heard a defeated and annoyed sigh.

"....Does it really matter? I broke into your house, and I'm stealing your food. So I'm basically a criminal, which means I'm going to get apprehended or killed either way, so I don't really see the point in revealing my identity." The voice was serious, but it also sounded pretty young. Just then, Lucifer walked in.

"Beel? What are you doing?"

"Oh great." The voice murmured under their breath. Lucifer looked towards the fridge, and walked over to it.

He looked over the fridge door to see a little girl looking up at him with her large but serious E/C eyes. She had a ragged looking hoodie on, and some pants that were covered in dirt.

She looked to be around five or six years old, which was a little concerning because she looked somewhat thin for her age, and her clothes were in such a sorry state.

But the most important question was how the little girl had snuck into their house without being caught until now?

"Who are you, and what are you doing in our house? Don't think about escaping without answering my questions, or else there might be some severe consequences." Lucifer spoke. The girl didn't even seemed phased by Lucifer's words. She sighed, and closed the fridge door.

"My name is Y/N, and I broke into your house so I don't, you know, die of starvation. A human girl like me needs to survive somehow down here, and this is the only way." She said nonchalantly. The two brothers were taken aback by the information that had just come out of the little girl's mouth.

"You're a human? How did you get down here?" Beel asked. The girl simply shrugged as she walked over to Lucifer. Y/N looked into his red eyes.

"I already answered your questions, so if you're going to kill me, steal my soul, or whatever you demons do to humans, just do it already." Lucifer was silent for a moment, trying to figure out what to do with the little human before him.

"If you answer a few more of our questions, then perhaps we can ignore the fact that you managed to sneak into our house."

"You expect me to trust you?"

"I'm not asking you to trust me, I'm making you a deal that's beneficial for the both of us. So, what do you say?" Lucifer leaned down and held out his hand.

Before Y/N could think about it, her stomach growled loudly, and she hunched over in pain. She hadn't eaten anything in a few days.

"Lucifer, we should feed her." Beel cut in, and the Avatar of Pride nodded silently. The girl gritted her teeth as she slowly stood up straight again.

Lucifer opened the fridge, and took out some ingredients to make a sandwich. Nothing special, but it would definitely fill up Y/N's stomach. She quietly watched him to make sure he didn't add anything suspicious to the food.

Once he finished making the sandwich, he handed it to Y/N. She inspected it for a few moments before taking a small bite of it. She didn't let it show on her face, but she was absolutely delighted to have something nice to eat for a change.

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