Voices (Lucifer x suicidal reader)

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(This was requested by Aim1706. This one shot mentions suicidal thoughts and depression, so if you are sensitive to these topics, read at your own digression.)


I'm always followed. Not by any person, but by shadows that are always nearby. Clinging to my brain like tumors. They're invisible, but heard.

Voices that constantly whisper in my ear, and make fun of me whenever I mess up or do something wrong. They criticize me for good things as well. They never cease with their hurtful words.

They followed me from the human world into Devildom, and even more shadows seemed to join in to belittle me. They won't get out of my head.

"Why do you keep trying to fit in? You're a human! How pathetic can you get?These demons will never accept you."

"Your grades are starting to drop, you need to study more. Unless you want to disappoint the brothers."

"Keep your distance from the brothers so you won't get hurt in the future. They'll abandon you like everyone else has."

"You don't belong here."

"You need to dis-"

"Y/N?" Lucifer's voice brought me back to reality, and I turned around to look at him. He had a serious look in his eyes. Well, more serious than usual.

"Do you need something?" I say in a somewhat quiet voice, trying to compose myself internally.

"Well, I know it's my night to make dinner, but I have a lot of work I need to get done. If you could, can you make dinner?" He asked. I gave him a little smile.

"He only came to ask you for a favor. Why would he want to talk to you?"

"Of course. I can bring it to your room if you get too busy." Lucifer smiled as he nodded.

"That would be appreciated. I will see you tonight then. If you'll excuse me, I need to begin my work." Lucifer walked passed me in the hallway, and headed towards his room.

"Now you're sucking up to him? Pathetic. He's just taking advantage of you. He doesn't care about you."

I trembled a little. I decided to distract myself by starting dinner a little early. When I got to the kitchen, I noticed that Beel was looking around in the fridge.

"Oh. *munch munch* hi Y/N." Beel said as he stuffed some food in his mouth. I gave him a weak smile.

"Hi Beel. Do you mind leaving while I make dinner?" Beel nodded as he took some food from the fridge and left.

I grabbed all the ingredients to make some curry. I spread them across the counter, and looked around for a knife to cut them up.

I found one, and held it my hand. I saw my reflection in it, and I felt a weird feeling inside of me.

"Do it."

"Ahh-!" I dropped the knife as that thought ran through my mind. Luckily it didn't hit my feet as it fell.

"No...not those kinds of thoughts again! I thought they were gone. Don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it-!"

A couple years ago, thoughts like that started to worm their way into my head. They seemed to be louder than any other voice that I'd heard before.

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