Forget-me-not (Satan x angel reader)

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(This was requested by Camille_Edelweiss. For context, Luke didn't come with Simeon and MC.)



"Hello, my name is Y/N." I bowed as I introduced myself to the demons in front of me.

All of them introduced themselves, and I noticed one of the demons reading a book after he had spoken. His name was Satan.

"Excuse me Satan, but what are you reading?" He glanced up from his book. His green eyes peered into my E/C eyes.

"I'm reading about angels. I don't know too much about your kind." He said. I smiled.

"I can tell you anything you want to know. I am an angel after all." He raised an eyebrow.

"If you're fine with that." I sat next to him.

"Haha! I see you two are already bonding with each other." Diavolo laughed.


"Can I sit with you?" I asked as I held my lunch in my hands. I had walked over to the table Satan was sitting at.

"If you want to. But I won't speak too often." His eyes drifted right back to his book.

"That's fine with me! I'll just keep you company." I opened my lunch, and started eating.

Little did I know, Satan glanced back at me with a curious look in his eyes.


"Wow! The House of Lamentation is so beautiful!" I exclaimed as I looked around. Satan had invited me to come over.

"It's not that impressive. The library is definitely more impressive. I can show you if you would like." He started walking away.

"Lead the way!" I hurried after him.

"Woah...this is beautiful." I looked around to see multiple bookshelves filled to the brim with books.

"If you want, you can come over any time and read any of these books." Satan smiled at me.

"I would love that!"


"S-Satan...?" I knocked on his door. I heard that he had recently had a fight with Lucifer.

"Go away!" I heard him yell from inside. I sighed.

"Satan, it's not good to keep all of that anger inside of you. I'm worried about you, so please, let me in." I begged. It was silent for a few moments.

I heard the door click open, and I noticed that Satan was in his demon form. I took a deep breath.

"Why do you care anyways?" He asked in an angry tone. I took his hand softly.

"Because we're friends, and friends worry about each other." Satan seemed surprised by my words.


"Yep. So come on, let out your feelings." I stepped inside his room. After that, he let out all of his emotions.

"You're an odd one you know. Concerning yourself with the well-being of a demon." He chuckled.

"Demon or not, I still care about you. So if you ever need to vent, I'm only a phone call or text away."


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