Secret (demon brothers x idol reader)

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(This was requested by ChristianneFaeRemias. The song has English captions, so give it a listen and get a grasp of what the song is about. You can also listen to it later when I ask to.)


"Please Diavolo. This would mean a whole lot to me. I'll do anything!" I begged as I looked right in into the prince's golden eyes. He was silent for a while, making me more and more nervous.

"Well, I can't say no to that face. But please keep up in your studies when you have time. Of course, I do hope you'll get us all tickets." Diavolo winked at me, and I felt like crying out of happiness. I reached into my pocket, and pulled out nine tickets.

"I already prepared them. I was going to use them as a last resort to convince you to let me go. If you don't mind, I have a condition.

Please don't tell the others. No one's supposed to know my identity, so it's kind of important. Plus, Lucifer would be annoyed if he finds out about this." I chuckled. Diavolo nodded.

"I will take you to the human world in a couple of hours, so please get ready. I will inform the brothers about what is going on. I'll call it a "family matter" so they don't get suspicious."

After we finished talking, I hurried back to the House of Lamentation to go and pack my suitcase. I was going to the human world for a very specific reason: I was an idol known as Nijiko, meaning "rainbow child" in Japanese. I'm debuting a new song in a couple of weeks at a live performance.

"Man I'm so excited! I wonder what kind of outfit I'm going to wear. Hopefully it does a good job of hiding my identity."

The reason I don't want to be seen is because I know how crazy fans can get. They could potentially find out who I am and where I live or anything like that. No one but my manager and the people I'm working with actually know what I look like.

I always wear a different contact color for every performance. It usually matches whatever outfit I'm wearing. I also wear a wig that also matches my outfit. Since I've worn so many different colors in my performances, the name Nijiko is an extremely fitting name.

I decided to listen to the song on my MP4 with some headphones. I had recorded it for the first time before coming to Devildom, but it's taken a lot of effort to reserve a stage for my performance, so it's been a while since I've listened to it.

I started subconsciously humming along to the familiar sound of my voice as I packed up my bag. It was a little odd hearing my own voice, but it wasn't a bad thing.

3rd POV

"What?! Why does she gotta go to the human world for?" Mammon inquired. All of the brothers had assembled at Lucifer's request. He had received a text from Diavolo, telling him that Y/N had to go to the human world for a couple of weeks for personal reasons.

"Aww~ but that's so long! How will she last without me being around her?" Asmo pouted. Everyone rolled their eyes at Asmo's narcissistic thought.

"I didn't ask. Besides, if it's something personal, then we don't have the right to ask Y/N about it." Lucifer spoke in a serious tone. Everyone knew he was right, but their curiosity was eating at them.

"Screw it! I'm gonna find out!" Mammon turned around and ran out of the living room, causing the others to chase him and try and stop him. If it weren't for Y/N's headphones, she could've heard them a mile away.

Mammon was going to slam her door open, but it was already open. They all stopped when they heard Y/N humming along to some kind of music. She was also packing things into her suitcase.

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