Ice skating (Lucifer x ice skater reader)

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(This was requested by TotallyNotAvara. I have no experience with ice skating just to let everyone know. The video is a reference for later.

The opposite AU makes a comeback. If some of you are new, this is basically what the AU is.

Lucifer is deredere, Mammon is shy, Levi is social, Asmo isn't lustful, Satan is more cheerful, Beel eats moderately, and Belphie doesn't sleep all the time.)


"Man I'm excited! It's been a while since I've been on the ice. Hopefully it hasn't been too long and I fall on my butt at some point."

I chuckled softly to myself as we walked towards the ice skating rink. Diavolo had apparently rented the entire rink just for us to use in the human world.

I'm pretty sure they haven't been ice skating before since there isn't any rinks in Devildom, so I'm expecting everyone to fall at least once during this trip.

"Hey Luci, are you excited?" I asked trying to contain my excitement. I wanted to surprise the brothers with a little routine that I choreographed before I started living with them.

"I am. I've never been ice skating, so it should be a fun experience." He said with a contagious smile on his face.

"I'll definitely come to you if I need any help, big bro." Satan walked up from behind us, and placed a hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

"I'm not sure if that's such a good idea. After all, none of us have been ice skating before." Lucifer awkwardly placed a hand on the back of his neck.

"Don't worry about it! You'll be totally fine! You're the oldest after all, so you need to set an example or whatever!" Levi called out from in front of us. Mammon shyly nodded his head in agreement.

As we got closer to the rink, I noticed a large cottage next to it. The people that own the ice rink apparently changed the cottage into a hotel of sorts for people who come to skate.

"I wouldn't be too comfortable having strangers staying in my house like this, but I guess they're getting a lot of business if they decided to do this."

We're staying there for a couple of days. It makes sense since it would be tiring to travel right after we skate. We checked into the cottage and put our things in our rooms.

"Hey, tell the others that I left already!" I call out to Belphie as I practically run out of the cottage and make a beeline to the rink with a bag I brought with me.

I went into the changing room of the rink, and pulled out the outfit I had brought with me. I attempted to put it on, and luckily it still fit me. I put my hair into a neat ponytail so it wouldn't get in my way.

I put on my pair of skates, and made my way to the rink. I noticed that there was a couple staff members running the skate rental and what seemed to be the music.

"Excuse me, am I allowed to make a request?" The man smiled as he spoke in a loud voice so I could hear him.

"Of course! What song?" I immediately knew the answer to that question. It had to be that song.

"A thousand years. Can you please wait until I'm in the center of the rink?" The man nodded and started to look up the song.

I stared at the ice in front of me, and slowly placed one foot onto it. I let go of the side of the rink, and began to slowly skate.

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